Close Call

Ok, just wanted to be sure.
But that was a prety nasty bail, you are very lucky that you didn’t break your neck.

ouch, it hurts to look at it! :astonished:

Lol when your falling sometimes you dont remember to think to do everythin meastro8 said but it was very imformative. for me i just sum it up and THE TUCK AND ROLL. Works everytime

I’m actually surprised that I’ve never broken anything… I have unicycling angels, haha.

not every time…

fast forward to 1:35

that was just a freak accident… correction though… ALMOST everytime lol

You mean a preventable accident.

If your trials obstacles aren’t stable, you’re going to hurt yourself. It’s best to jump around on your obstacles (without a unicycle) before you ride them, to test for stability. If the obstacle wobbles much, it’s not safe to ride.

That gapping bar needs to be either anchored into the ground or onto other obstacles. It looks like a death trap.