Chuck Norris Jokes


only one per post please…

ill start
-Chuck Norris Has Counted To Infinity




Then go HERE.

There’s hardly a shortage of Chuck Norris jokes on this forum.
They’re also about Xyears old, so please chew up forum bandwidth with something more usefull.

Thanx for the spot-on thread-title tho.

Finally, click HERE and HERE.

You are now done.


chuck norris is an actor. Nothing tough about that.


No real joke; just remember getting a ride from Chuck when I was walking to his Karate Studio way back in 1970…TWO years before the famous fight scene with Bruce Lee in “Way of the Dragon” in 1972! (Bruce Lee won, of course!)

He was driving his White Caddy el Dorado and while at a stop signal I said hello and he recognized me as one of his students and gave me a ride to his studio! I was 14. It was cool! :sunglasses:

don’t dis chuck norris…he knows

Why do all the pirates have eye-patches?

Chuck Norris.

When Chuck Norris jumps into a swimming pool, Chuck Norris dosn’t get wet.

The water gets Chuck Norris.

that’s so cool. I liked that Chuck anecdote more than some of the Chuck Norris jokes.

Wow, Thats really cool! :astonished:

Chuck Norris is the man

Chuck Norris’s tears cure cancer.

It’s a shame he doesn’t cry.

Chuck Norris Swore on world of warcraft trade Chat and a GM banned him.


I lol’ed.

There’s an oxymoron. To Chuck it’s never a joke. It’s all real.

that is oh so true, i wonder if Chuck rides a unicycle, i wonder if he can roundhouse kick on one…

Chuck Norris and ONLY Chuck Norris can slam a revolving door

There is no theory of evolution…there are only creatures chuck norris has allowed to live

High capacity magazine assault rifles are demanding that congress enact Chuck Norris control.

By now I’m sure that Congress has enough sense not to try to control Chuck Norris.