Chilly Riding - Trailer

Thanks for the comments everyone :slight_smile:

And my sidehop record is 55.5cm SIF.

I understand what your saying Spencer, but you said something inanother thread about having variety in video music, it just is kinda sad that i can go and find probably 20 unicycle videos that have the same song/band…and a band like Linkin Park whos songs all sound the same, if it were like Coheed and Cambria or The Mars Volta, bands that have such a complexity about their music it might be different…but its Linkin Park…just my 2 cents

Oh yeah, I know of 3 uni vids with that same song and that is not very cool. There’s a difference when people complain that a specific song has already been used and when they just complain that they personally don’t like the music.

Enough thread jacking :frowning:

sry isaac…i hope i already mentioned that the riding looks sweet, if not the riding looks sweet:p

I enjoyed the vid :slight_smile:

In general I think trailers should be reserved for REALLY long vids (eg. 6 + min w/ several riders), but since this is likely you last vid until spring it may be fitting.

The song: I like the song, felt it fit the riding/editing, but I’ve seen it in many uni vids already and several other action sports.

Snow and ice doesn’t have to mean no more filming.

On Thin Ice

The cold weather is upon us. Here in northern Florida the winter weather is snow free but the air has become chilly and the sun is not as strong as the rest of the year.We love to ride in the winter here but we have to pull out our winter gear to keep things comfy. The trick to keeping things warm in the winter is layers and moisture control. A good set of cotton or other absorbant type of material is the best for skin contact


I like polypropaline or if it’s really cold Polartech 100, and a breathable shell w/air vents, like the Marmot PreCip

Okay everyone…It is not going to be that good! :frowning: So dont get your hopes up…

Next spring I will have a really good video :).

But for this one it is almost done, but isnt going to be that great because of the weather.
