Cheap uni for work

My uni was a helluva deal. It appears to be about $430 at Renegade.

At last check, the Reagent with Koxx cranks was the only version shown as out of stock. There’s no telling how many of each there were to begin with, but I don’t remember anyone mentioning interest in that one. I guess if your non-negotiables were black frame, 19" rim, and cranks longer than 110 mm, that would’ve been it.

Got it last night and put it together. The wheel seems a bit out of true. Spoke tension?

It definitely feels lighter than the kh20. Dont have a scale. I think its the naomi seat, which i like. The groovy cranks are interesting. I guess they have built in rollos, which i never understood before. Quite annoying when riding around but havent tried landing my feet on them yet.

Looking at some max schulze videos i see he has the rollos at least in


He is amazing. So multi talented. Did he just practice forever, just gifted, or both?

If you want to see how much is in stock of an item add it to your cart. Then change the amount, selecting more and more till it says there aren’t enough. Then fine tune it and you’ll know how many are in stock.

Most of us aren’t 16 so we don’t have the kind of time to do this. :slight_smile:

:slight_smile: Credit where it’s due though. I said no way and he said way, and he’s right.

Nice new unis kahunacohen and LargeEddie! Those are absolutely fantastic deals. I got the Reagent with KH wheelset before the super sale just so I could grab the wheel to piece together a KH flatland. These are my ‘learning’ unis – I have a flatland with 110s and a smooth tire and a KH trials uni with 137s. The difference between the two is huge… so much so that I’m putting 127s on the flatland. I find that at my skill level the extra control is really helpful. I’m sure I’ll graduate to shorter cranks on all my unis in time, but that’s where I’m at right now.

Clever Shmolagin!! All these years and I never thought of that. Not bad.

Tubulars are supposed to be really good for rolls. Some like them better than rollos. However, I wouldn’t go with groovy cranks. I picked up a pair at NAUCC and they are heavy. Like very. 15 minutes before I was holding a pair of K1 cromo tubulars and they were much lighter. The groovys might be good for someone really heavy, but I think even then they are likely overkill.

Max was explaining how one day he just went out and did 100 fifthflips. So I’m gonna go with lots of practice. Probably also a lot more natural talent than me.

Unicycleharry also mentions in another thread that the wheel on his is a millimeter or so out. I don’t see any wobble in my KH wheel, but then I guess that’s supposed to be the point of KH stuff. :slight_smile:

Have you done anything about it? I wouldn’t think that was was much of a problem without rim brakes to worry about though, and likely not hard to get rid of it you minded it. It’s all built to a price.

Ok this was supposed to be a cheap uni, but now i want different cranks. I figured when i bought it i wanted to switch them out.

Someones offering me 125 moments used for 60 shipped, or theres 127 spirits for $105 or 125 venture2s for 65 shipped from udc. Again primary use is flat and lately ive been tearing my ankles to pieces on my 137 moments and 140 groovys. What would you get?

I would choose option D, new 125 moments for 60 +shipping at this link.

The ventures are significantly lighter and cheaper than spirits. Why the moments over the ventures?

Nice find btw.

I don’t trust ventures, they seem very likely to break. But I haven’t broke any yet so maybe it’s invalid. But, ventures have pretty much zero q factor which is bad if you are having problems with your ankles scraping.

I have no issues with Ventures, especially Venture II’s. Great cranks for a great price.

Sorry, probably has been discussed before but how much more qfactor do moments have than venture2s? I know Spirits have more than moments…

All cranks have q factor. The Q factor is the distance from the plane of the pedal mount on one crank to the same point on the other crank. For some reason in unicycling the term is used as a synonym for crank offset. The Ventures have 0 offset, the Moments have 10mm’s offset, and the Spirits have 12mm’s of offset.

Thinking about the spirits and going primo, maybe make this regent even lighter. Do folks use spirit 127s for flatland? Less likely to have ankle strike too right?

I suppose this is the kind of thing the groovy cranks/rollos are good for? In terms of my flatland adventure, I am only doing unispins right now, not rolls or any other real flatland trick yet. So that protruding metal where the groovy cranks meet the hub is for putting your feet during these kinds of tricks right?

That aside, is the larger qfactor on the spirits an issue for flatland, or are they perfectly fine?

My spirit 127’s just got here today for my KH Flatland. That’s not the same as riding flatland I know (since I’m not that far along), but I can’t wait to try them tomorrow night.