[callout] justin vs justin

ALRIGHT MANG nice friggin vid!

It’s on in dis hood, Boiee.

Hopefully my response will come by Next weekend…look for it!


haha yeah man. i knew it right away! but thanks:), and i was scared about the wall cause it was all glass lol. but i did touch, ah well, i only tried the line once with the 360 unispin.

fred: i used adobe after effects. it was mostly masking and layering. the beginning i had to rotoscope for the grass, that was the hardest and took the longest.

thanks guys, this is getting me all excited so i think ill make another. but i gotta wait for J-money to holla back.

One thing I would sugest you dont use again is that effect that made you all pixalated I dont know about everyone else but I didnt like that. It didnt do anything for the riding, just made it realy hard to see what was going on. I feel that line after about 1:06 didnt need that and would of been better without it all.

thats just from compression. in the full version its just out of focus, and looks way better. so its not an effect. the trick was a 180 overflip plant

You know what you need to do justin? since you anyways do street on a 24", imagine how amazing it would be combining street with muni! Sort of like freeride biking has the occasional tailwhip or 360. Thats what I want to see get done with muni, doing crankflips and stuff down muni drops and what not. I don’t know how much you muni (I dont do it that much), but that definitely needs to get done.

yeah, i kinda started that with defect but i never got into it. i would love to do some sort of free riding thing in the trails. but im sort of bored with muni:D

Crankfliping off muni drops… hmmm… He fliped a 3 set in this vid. If he can’t flip any bigger then that i don’t think much on a muni track would be possible.

BUT, I would love to see it. Maybe now even crankflips, just fast styley muni with some 180s, 360s, tyre grabs etc.

Sweet man, I like the music, they play that song on Triple J (radio station) all the time.

Flip up 3 was cool. Nice work.

well i flipped up a 3, ive flipped down a 9 before. id like to see someone do some street muni too:)

Damn bro, 9 set flip? U gota get that on video. Most ive flipped is a 5. I dont work on big street enough:o.

hah man i need to work on my tech more! you teach me and ill teach you lol

Very inventive filming, I like it

Gotta catch em all.


Aight sounds good lol. Tell me if youre ever in the seattle area.

haha man, i live in vancouver! im planning on coming down that way around spring break. id like to hook up with some other guys down there for a ride too.

p.s. thanks for all the comments guys:)

Amazing video! Has to be one of my favourites in a long time. I think i liked it so much because it was fast paced street. Keep bringin out the vids :smiley:

Damn, Justin, that was fantastic… best video I’ve seen in ages… riding, editing, music, the works.

It’s funny someone should mention street/muni, we were talking about it on Sundays ride. There were some great drops with clean run-ups all range of sizes, Tynan was saying you should come and try some crank flips off them.

Did you recognize those weird playground rail things that you hop up at the end of the video? They’re from Universe 1 … :slight_smile:


  • James

haha yeah i did notice! i remember telling brian that kris rode the rails on that park lol. thanks for the comments man, i might have to come and hit some street muni (SMuni?)

sound like ur on a muni ride and you run into a pile of fecal matter left by an inconsiderate dog owner.

haha one of the reasons why i dont ride muni anymore haha. street has less dog shizz!
