Calling all Los Angeles & Orange County Riders for NEW CLUB!

Hello ya’ll,
I just moved back to California in the LA/OC area and I am planning on starting a new unicycle club. We will try and meet at least once a week to practice tricks and pass levels and try and play hockey and basketball. I’ll also be organizing regular muni rides, road rides and trails/street rides. If you are interested please send me your email address so you can be included on the email list. Looking at places to practice in the LA & OC area so if you have any ideas send them my way.

I’ll probably create a facebook group for it once I figure out a good name for the club. If you have any suggestions please reply here. So far we have:
UCLA (Unicycle Club of LA)
UCSC (Unicycle Club of Southern California)
SCUC (Southern California Unicycle Club)
OCUC (Orange County Unicycle Club)
But I’m hoping we can come up with something more original and better…

Jamie, great to have you back in town. Oz’s loss our gain. Not really a trick or b-ball rider but any muni rides you set up I’m in.

I’ll pm you the info for your list.


You know I’m in!

would love to go on rides :slight_smile:

My daughter is a freshman at UCLA. I’ll be visiting the LA area from Maryland from time to time over the next three or four years. Can I join as an out of State member with limited privileges?

Count me in! I am in Orange County.

Of course! Just send me a pm with your email and I’ll add you to the list.

How 'bout


Unicycle Nuts In Southern California
Unicycle Nerds In Southern California

Said as “Uni-S-C” or “Unis-C

(I don’t live close, just thought this would be a funny name)

A couple more ideas for club names…
Hollywood One Wheelers (HOW)
Hollywood Highrollers Unicycle Club (HHUC)
Hollywood Unicycle Club (HUC)
Even though we won’t be based in Hollywood as we’ll try and do rides and practices in OC and LA, there is something about the name Hollywood that I like…

Welcome back to CA, Jamey! Too bad you’re still so far away. Got to make it down for a visit from time to time…

Sounds like you went to the NAUCC school of ugly acronyms. :stuck_out_tongue:

Rather than worrying about how the acronym sounds, you could just come up with a fun word for your name. Or you could make a fun acronym. The guys in Santa Cruz, in the late 90s, had a group they called the Santa Cruz Unicycle Mountaineers (SCUM). A name like that is funny, but doesn’t necessarily market well either.

I like that one. You could also pronnounce it like a single word. Then dyslexic people would call the group “eunuchs” (an in-joke on Nuts) :slight_smile:

Or switch it around for more fun, like Southern California Unicycle Nuts (SCUN); close to SCUM without being as scummy. Or something shorter, like So-Cal Uni, which wouldn’t need to be acronym-ized.

I prefer a So-Cal orientation rather than Hollywood, which would be a bit of a misnomer. Then if more clubs pop up down there you can make up a new one, like LAU or something.

Hey, wouldn’t it be great to have a MUni Weekend down there? It’s never been in the LA area. That would be way cool, and might attract riders from all over North America! This fall is available…

Yep, I was wondering if anyone else would notice the similarity. :smiley:

John, ya it’s kinda hard coming up with a good name…will keep thinking about it…

And I would love to host a muni weekend down here in LA this fall. Would it be the official CA Muni Weekend? Let’s make it happen. I can talk to you about it at MOAB if you are going…if not then all the other CA riders and past organizers… Let’s make it happen!

I think that sounds like a good idea. Now would be a good time to start thinking about the date, if we expect people to travel. Since Unicon is in August, I would suggest sometime mid-October. I’m up for helping put it together (I haven’t done anything like it before, so I’ll be a gofer).

A few more ideas for names:
The Rattlesnake Riders (of Southern California)
The One For All And All For One Team/Club

Jamey, got three more riders for Sunday. If anyone is interested, we’re riding Woods this Sunday, 8:00 am Canyon Vistas Park. After, I am planning to meet Terry, Unigeezer at Fairfield Park in Costa Mesa, then we’ll ride 36ers to the Huntington Beach pier via SART to see Jamey perform. 2 unisport day!

Not sure yet, but I’ll get in touch with you by email sometime Saturday.

Bumpity bump

I left cali, but I will def want to ride and meet up with a group when I visit =)

It would be cool if unicyclers in the area rode as a group in the cicLAvia on April 6th. ( ) A big group might help promote interest and attract new riders. So far the plan is to meet at 10:00 AM at the One Wilshire building. (There’s a separate thread discussing this, but I thought I’d give it a little extra promotion here.)

Yes that would be cool. I’ll send out an email to let the others know.