[BUYING] Street Saddle

Ok, so Ill pretty much buy any good used saddle :smiley:
PM me! :smiley:

Nobody has a saddle for sell? :frowning:

If you’ve already got the DX saddle you can cut down the foam to make it lower profile. That would be the cheapest option.

Generally when people get a good saddle theres no reason for them to sell it, if they upgrade they transfer all the goods to a CF base. Thats going to make finding a good used saddle difficult.

Well I want to cut down the foam, but I’m scared I will ruin it… (Which I probably will :o ) And in the past (week I think…) there have been 2 koxx1 whitewidow saddles sold, Which I was too slow to get though… :angry:

So I might as well give it a go :smiley:

go on UCD and buy a nimbus gel.
there good.
they are way more comfortable then the KH street.

Are they really?
How strong are the nimbus saddles, and how big are they?

in this thread, it sounds kinda like its not a good saddle… :thinking:

i am going to join in on this question…
is the comfort of the nimbus worth giving up the removable cover or is the removable cover worth giving up for the comfort.

and also, is the nimbus cover attached by staples or clippy things like on a torker lx saddle? thanks again

and srry for the semi-thread jack NKahler

yes its comfy but you can get the kh cover separately if you want it to be removable it is the same style seat.

its fine :smiley:

So are the KH and the Nimbus seats the same shape then? :thinking:

yeah but the point of nimbus over KH for me is $$$ so if i bought a removable cover…there foes that idea:p thanks for the pics and tellin me

yeah i think so

yes but you could get the nimbus now then when you want to upgrade to cf base you can order the kh cover

Well I just put my viscount saddle on my 24", and I LOVE IT… But THERES NO HANDLE!!! :angry: :angry: :astonished: :angry: :angry:

Im thinking about buying a nimbus saddle for my 20", but im not sure what to do with my 24" :frowning:

Ps. My 24" is for Muni and my 20" is for trials/street

i think somewhere ive seen a a viscount saddle with a handle. im not sure though. i think it was on PDC’s orange summit unicycle.

anyway… whats the point of taking off the cover off anyway? the foam is already cut down. and if your going to upgrade to a CF base than youll probably have the money to get a new KH Fusion street cover. the cover will fit the nimbus foam.

id go with the cheaper nimbus…

you can peel away the foam on a viscount saddle and drill holes/ insert carriage bolts to have a sick seat…

to answer your question… the KH and Nimbus are exactly the same seat with different foam(supposedly) and the KH street saddle is LESS comfortable than a DX saddle if i remember correctly. it isn’t easy to screw up a seat beyond repair, i suggest that you fix your dx seat the way you want. i suggest grooving it out.

I’m sure some of this is opinion, but for me the nimbus gel saddle is complete hell to ride on. It’s shaped like a banana, which means that if your riding for any length of time on it your crotch startes to hurt very badly. The KH street saddle is better, but not tons. All of the Koxx saddle (especially the signature and white russian) are awesome for riding on, so if you can find one go for it.

With the cutting down the DX foam, go for it. You cant really make it any worse than it is, and if you ruin it you can just buy a new saddle which is what you were going to do anyway.

well, hope that helps…

I find my nimbus gel saddle pretty cumpfy but it is a bit too curved which makes it a bit harder on your nackers. I find my fusion street saddle a bit uncomftable if Im riding far but who cares Its amazing for tricks and trials. I find my fusion freeride realy compftable to ride on and can ride on it for hours. Thats why I sugest you get the KH fusion street and fusion freeride, you wont be dissapointed.

Ok, thanks guys… Im probably not going to cut down my dx seat, because I know I will mess up, and why waste a perfectly good seat? :smiley:

I’ll go the the LBS today and see if they can get KH stuff
I’m probably gonna go with both KH’s

if you pay for postage here and back, i’ll reshape it for $20
your choice…

Jeez that would be expencive :smiley: lol

Id say for SIF either would be nice, because I dont actually like too thin so the Nimbus would be kinda nice, but the KH is awesome too. And if you are plan on doing Hardcore stuff the KH is probably better since its got the removable cover so if it rips bad you can buy a new cover, or if you want to go to CF. But I think if you plan on doing some trials and some unispins and all that stuff not like treyflips and all that stuff the Nimbus would be fine IMO.

But its really your choice.
