Buskers, Street Performers - News Sites?

Does anyone know of newsgroups devoted to street performers or buskers? I am
thinking of starting one if there aren’t any out there yet. I realize that this
is off topic, but this is the closest NG I have been able to locate. Also does
anyone know of Websites on this topic?

Please reply to both the news:rec.sport.unicycling newsgroup as well directly
to me at…

&that’s all he wrote. DisneyWizard <disneywizardNOSPAM@TheOffice.net> remove
NOSPAM to reply. Visit http://www.TheOffice.net/DisneyWizard INDIANA JONES
DISCOVERS THE JEWEL OF POWER! Secrets of the Temple of the Forbidden Eye or How
to Survive Disneyland’s. Indiana Jones Adventure are revealed in this crusty
leather journal.(1*?

Re: Buskers, Street Performers - News Sites?

In a message dated 6/11/98 7:19:49 AM, disneywizardNOSPAM@theoffice.net wrote:

>Does anyone know of newsgroups devoted to street performers or buskers? I am
>thinking of starting one if there aren’t any out there yet. I realize that this
>is off topic, but this is the closest NG I have been able to locate. Also does
>anyone know of Websites on this topic?

I know of a bulletin board (http://www.performers.net/boards/board2.html) for
busking but it would be a great idea to start a newsgroup. Since I was recently
arrested for street performing in Wash. DC, a newsgroup could serve as great
support for legal issues. It would be helpful to let others know what procedures
(if any) need to be taken (i.e. getting a permit) good and bad places for
performing, etc. Though I get a lot of professional gigs these days, I really
enjoy street performing. Perhaps I should organize a busker festival since they
are all over Europe & Canada-- maybe I could get a permit to do so in DC :slight_smile:
… You may want to also post to rec.juggling.

Universally yours,

Unicycle Lady http://users.aol.com/unilady/poem.html#MIME “A Smile is a
Wonderous Thing”

Re: Buskers, Street Performers - News Sites?

Any news about a new newsgroup? Let us know! Are you still planning on
starting one?

  • Alex