Bubble gum

Since I am now ancient, I haven’t had bubble gum for a couple of decades. Anyhow, having a child who in some ways is pretty bright but in some ways completely clueless, I was trying to teach him how to blow bubbles with bubble gum. I chewed some gum to show him and to my surprise bubble gum technology has not kept pace with computer technology, and indeed does not seem to have progressed at all in the past 20 years. Infact, it was rubbish for blowing bubbles (and it wasn’t just because I’m out of practice).

So, does anyone know anything about bubble gum technology and can they explain to me why it has not improved over the past 20 years?


well, I don’t know much about bubble gum blowing technology…but blowing bubbles isn’t that hard of a problem for me. what I think helps is chew it for a long time so its nice and worn in, makes for easier bubbles. and sometimes chewing more than one piece…but I guess teaching a child how to do it, you might not want to recommend that.

The ones that look the most directed towards children and the ones that you would least like to feed your children (the ones with the most sugar) seem to generaly be the best. I don’t know if you have Hubba Bubba over there but that stuff is fantastic for blowing bubbles and since it looses its flavour quickly you end up with a big enough wad to cover your face pretty quickly.:smiley:

Heh, tell your kid not to feel bad. I can’t blow a bubble either. For that matter, I also can’t snap or whistle.

i am blowing bubbles with orange orbit right now.

A vegetarian diet and a hot bath: all the bubbles you’ll ever need. :astonished:

(Writing as a vegetarian.)

I think when successful reproduction hinges upon bubble blowing efficacy we will see a slow evolution of the bubble blowing apparatus. It will take many generations, however, and we won’t see much change within our lifetimes.

Until then, we are stuck with the technology we inherited from our anscestors.

I like three pieces of Bubble Yum not chewed very long for large flimsy sticky bubbles.