anybody read
Winterdance: The Fine Madness of Running the Iditarod
by Gary Paulsen?
i’ve read some pretty kewl reviews of the book and thought i’d bounce it off u guys before hauling out the Credit Card
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anybody read
Winterdance: The Fine Madness of Running the Iditarod
by Gary Paulsen?
i’ve read some pretty kewl reviews of the book and thought i’d bounce it off u guys before hauling out the Credit Card
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Don’t know how I missed this thread. Anyway, yeah I read it a couple of years ago. I thought it was a really good read and would highly recommend it. It got me interested enough in running dogs that I went out and found another book on the same subject that I liked as well but the title slips my feeble memory for the moment. I’ll go home and find it and let you know what that one was called. Anyway, buy Winterdance. You’ll enjoy it.
Re: Book Query
Never read it, but, dude, seriously, read Mawson’s Will. The gnarliest book about dog-sledding & (ant)arctic adventure ever. Epic is way overused, but all epics wish they were this epic.
You want an awesome sled dog book, read The Cruelest Miles, all about the sled race to bring diptheria meds to Nome I think it was… Been a year since I read it… anyways, awesome book, and it was all true.
Ok, Nick -
I’m getting The Cruelest Miles out of the library, but you should take my word for it and do the same with Mawson’s Will.