anyone here use this stuff?
What is it? and no, I don’t think I use it.
waterproofing treatment for leotards
Are you thinking of using it as something to rub on sore muscles or as a chamois cream?
im thinking of using it for knee pain,like stiffness and creakyness.
It has an unsurpassed placebo effect.
I have never used the stuff. I generally use something like Icy Hot for sore muscles but that’s not the kind of stuff that you would want to rub on a sore knee or a sore tendon.
the Blue-Emu stuff was right next to the Icy Hot and everything else in the same Fred was on sale for $13 and the Icy hot was $7 (ive used Icy Hot before) so i figured i’d try it.its got Glucosamine in it and i had heard that it may rebuild cartilege so what the hell…i was hoping that someone else here had tried or at least heard of it…
it doesnt heat up like Icy Hot but so far it seems to help…its not a placebo when it comes to that sootheing feeling,whether it helps my knees in the long run is still non-conclusive.