Best Uni Photo thread

I think Ihave it is this it-


P.s i dont know how i got it??

Actually, I was wondering which way you were riding - up or down the tree. :thinking:

hoping from the Bench bottom on the left to the bench top on the right.

95 cm over the bar at naucc.

95 cm over the bar at naucc.

a third ZAck pic

I think my best one up today is this one

No way, thats sick! How far did you standupww that??

These are my best pics I found :slight_smile:

So far there have been some sweet pictures.

To change it up a bit here are a couple cool freestyle pictures.

Lindsey and myself doing our pairs routine at NAUCC 2005:

And the national and world champions Amy and Ryan doing their NAUCC 2005 routine:

Amy & Ryans 1st Place Expert Pairs4.jpg

And some fire hockey at NAUCC 2005:

Small Fire Hockey.bmp (377 KB)

Ha, Ryan looks like he’s pretty comfortable sitting sideways there…

Here’s a nice muni picture from earlier this summer:

Forrest ridge trail.JPG

My best for now.

Whoa, it’s huge. I forgot that’s not the resized one? And waht happened to the edit butotn?

Here’s a few, you choose which is best. I landed all of them except number 2 (from the top) and number 4.

Well I have no recent pics but I have these: (from last June)
BC wheel tiregrab on the beach

BC hop on the beach

one more
BC log ride

log ride.jpg

I hope he doesn’t mind me posting this…pretty awesome.