best trials pedal?

Originally posted by TheObieOne3226

Trap pedals are bad because they seem to wear through shoes fast.

Not in the least (at least for me).

Fast meaning like 400 hours riding instead of like 900 or some other ridiculously large numbers.

I have to say, I just got Jim Cielinckis and I really like them. They might not have as much grip as Snafus (because the pins on Snafus are ludicrously huge), but the pedal shape is awesome and the pins are respectable (they come with two differently sized pin replacements … I substituted the bigger pins in as soon as I got them and it seems to have worked.)

I’ve gone through 3 pairs of pedals on the same unicycle (and nothing else has come close to breaking), so these are awesome because I don’t see any way they can possibly break aside from a bent spindle (which won’t happen because I’m 140 pounds and I don’t do too many drops). I broke a pair of Wellgos by letting the uni hit the ground the wrong way, a pair of Bulletproof-style BMX pedals broke on a big pedal grap gap, and I actually put my foot through the bridge of an Odyssey Twisted Pro pedal on a badly-done drop. In each case, it was the actual structure of the pedal snapping in some way. The OJCs are so strongly made that I can’t see this ever happening to them … there isn’t a single point on the pedal that isn’t strongly reinforced.

And they come in cool colors. So they’re my recommendation … those or Snafus (which have much more dangerous pins and aren’t as well reinforced, and are only 3 dollars less).

what about these?
i was also looking through this downhill mtb magazine called FLOW, and there were these pedals that you can buy grind plates for,that just screw on. glory holes pedals but on the website they dont say anything about grind plates, which do exist. has anybody seen these before? there are also these foxy pedals …foxy pedals

I’ve been riding on the Jim Cielencki (sp?) pedals for a year now and I’m thoroughly happy with their performance. Sure, the pins are smaller than the Snafu’s, but there are more pins (8 total) on the Cielenckis and they’re closer together. I’ve never had a problem with my foot slipping off the pedal, even with the smaller pins installed. (Remember smaller pins = less blood loss)

My favorite features of the pedal are its huge size and slight concave. They give you lots of room for foot slop and seem to “cradle” your foot when it’s centered on the pedal. I haven’t mastered the pedal grab yet, but I’m sure the extra size helps here too.

The sealed bearings are worth the extra money here. I’ve ridden in dirt, mud, sand, gravel and even a little water, and the pedals spin like they’re new. The axles are amazing: I beat them constantly but they won’t bend!

The DMR V8’s and V12’s look like good pedals. Unfortunately the seem to be available everywhere but North America. I have never seen the DMR pedals available at a US bike shop or a US web site. They seem to be primarily a U.K. phenomenon. They’re also available in Europe and Australia, but not the good old U.S.A.

My complaint with the DMR pedals would be that I like a larger platform and something that is flatter (less concave). But that doesn’t make them a bad pedal. Just personal preference.

Is it just me, or do these look amazing?

Heres a better picture of those pedals…Nice.

those are sexy, where can i get em? also, the srangest pedal ive seen is the azonic xtension pedals and Winstanleys BMX - Online BMX Shop sell them but nither are in the U.S.

are they even avaible in the us?

The azonic xtension pedals look cool but the design seems crappy since your foot will sag where there is a space. I guess it might work, though. If I had $65 to waste on a set of pedals, I might look at them.

you NEED these

untitled.bmp (900 KB)

does anybody know if the primo super tenderizer pedals are anygood, i think ive heard that they are heavy.

iamthewalrus, I saw a pair of those (they’re called Shinburgers, I think) recently at NYMW … they’re actually not quite as vicious as they look. But they’ll still probably put quite a few holes in you. Good thing it never happened to me.

So what are the criterias for a good pedal?
In my opinion it is: Grip, Durability, How thay handle pedalgrabs and ofcourse Looks.

Am i right?


i’ve got a pair on my uni they’re nice and grippy. i don’t know how they are for pedal grabs but they’re about the same weight as cilienckis, you can also fit a kommando grind plate on them

where can i get the kommando grindplate?