Best Photos of 2008

Well I figured that since no one’s made the thread yet and I’ve got some photos to post up then I should make the thread… soooo, same rules as 2006 and 2007. Let’s see some more Awesome photos from last year guys!

Here are a few of mine, I’ll dig around for more later… pardon the screen stretch

second one up is blurry :stuck_out_tongue:

with the intent of showing motion… lol go back and look in the 2006 and 2007 threads, intentional blurryness to show motion is ok haha

aah, ok then… your not disqualified then lol

Thanks Ductape.

Are you going to run a points system? Perhaps people could send their three best photos and it could be put up in a Gallery? Then we could vote on the best?

I still owe Aspenmike a T-shirt or something for winning last years photo comp, but the Adventure Unicyclist project has been on hold until recently. Anyway, when I get around to printing them, Aspenmike get’s a free T-shirt for winning last years comp :stuck_out_tongue:


hi all. here are mine’s…


i would be in, but my photos are all taken by my camera phone… :astonished:

May 23, 2008. At the Parliment Hill in Ottawa, ON. The day before OUI’08. Good times :slight_smile:


Two pictures from March :smiley:

my best picuters of 2008… good times good times

Roland and Steveyo on Tongue Mt. overlooking Lake George, Adirondacks, NY

Steveyo on day 5 of RTL

Criterium racers at RTL

Riding over Brooklyn Bridge at dawn at the start of a Century ride around NYC

this is really the only picture i have at the moment ha

only have one that ive taken… ever lol

here’s a few of mine…

@turtle: you must have a damn good camera phone :roll_eyes:

snow 047.JPG


The only ok one I have :slight_smile:

I might have more that I’ll post later

My backyard:

That’s my backyard too!

Here is one of mine

Turns out I took a ton of pictures this year; it’s hard to choose between them. Here are some of the shots which are unusual or distinct enough to be worth sharing. (These and more available on my Flickr stream).

Krazy Karl on a pinnacle

Chris Labonte wheel walking at Moab

Bevan skidding out

Out of the gate (RTL day 2 start)

Tue Johannsen, smiling as always

MUni in the mist

Jess, trials competition at CMW

Miles on the big drop, trials competition at CMW