BC Wheel First Time Builder

Ok i think we’re all up to speed with what Evan has got on his BC wheel now and why. Thanks for the help so far guys, what’s the best way to learn how to BC? grab a pair of ski poles and go around with them or down a hill or what? Cheers

find a slight downhill and grab a pole, put both ur feeton the footplates and just roll, if u need give urself a push to get a bit of momentum up, dont be scared, just do it.

im thinking of building a BC wheel as well, ive got a nice 24 inch wheel im gonna use with a suitable hub to use. ive got a 24" x 2.5 hookworm tire but i rekon i should get a thinner tire. i rekon for building the plates you should get some fairly thick metal like 5mm or something and drill holes in it to go on the hub and then use a magnebend to bent it to 90 degrees. that should be good for it.

cheers, keep it wheel.

Tom you can’t ride a BC wheel, you’ve never tried…

did i say i could ride one, it doesnt mean i dont know how to ride one.

Hello Everyone,
I think i’m going to buy a Bedford 20’’ BC Wheel with pro platforms.
But does the Bedford 20’’ BC Wheel have a lot of grip so i can use it in a skatepark and other traillines?
Or should i buy the Bedford trails with pro platforms?


You know if you want a decently strong wheel you know you can’t use the old spokes right?
If it for a rear the wheel has a dish in it, then when you put in the the front hub it will be all wierd

cough or you could get this one (better and cheeper)

Isnt that thing already sold?
And what do you all think of this BC Wheel?
Or is this one better?


i also agree

That is some pretty bad advise. Starting with one pole is a really bad idea since you will have a hard time pushing form one side and you will be way leaned over before you even let go. The best way is to start with 2 chairs or trashcans and go inbetween them and push evenly. Some people have probably learned with rolling or slate mounts but that would be harder.

i learned by…
standing on the wheel on the driveway (about a 10* slope)
then rolling the wheel back and forth underneath me
then slowly pushing myself back and forth btw the car and travel trailer
then pushing myself down the driveway quick enough to get speed going and the 3rd try I rolled across the street

then i tried to jump and bent my plates into the wheel
it was stupidhard because the plates were 1" @ the most below the axle