Back It Up Muni style

No, it will just be a lot easier for you.

Game sounds fun. I hope my doctor will let me ride next week, so I could join… and cross some frozen creek :wink:

Frozen or not it counts! Bonus points if its frozen! I broke the ice on mine

Here’s mine, if it’s not a big enough creek I can venture out farther to find a bigger one…

_ _ _ _muni123
_ _ _ _PeterH
_ _ _ _Gear
_ _ _ _knoxuni (set)
_ _ _ _anton005 (landed)

Muni Challenge #1: Creek crossing

it works for me! aslong as everyone is fine with it.

Hi Guys,

I made it out to Lake Hodges today for my OTG - Stream Crossing Challenge. I went a little overboard on the video. I am trying to learn how to do that as well. Hope you like it!

Oh and how do you imbed the video so that it shows up on the screen?


Nice work, that video was very well done.

Cool video. Every time I see your photos and now your videos I really want an Oregon, such acool looking uni.

I don’t think Vimeo videos imbed. I believe your syntax for your video is correct, had it been a YouTube video it would have imbedded.

Vimeo will imbed google!

I dug this up from an older post here…

Given the drought here in Texas, it’s hard to find a running creek, so I had to settle for a dried out stream bed. And since it was 73F today, there’s no chance of finding a creek with snow on it either. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hope this is OK, if not I don’t mind taking an O.

_ _ _ _muni123
_ _ _ _PeterH
_ _ _ _Gear
_ _ _ _knoxuni (set)
_ _ _ _anton005 (landed)
_ _ _ _unibabyguy (landed)

Muni Challenge #1: Creek crossing


I dug this up from an older post here…

After searching for an answer to the issue of embedding vimeo links and finding this inconclusive thread, I figured out the problem myself. Vimeo links do not always include www. but only when www. is included will the forum automatically embed it. So if you are posting a link that starts http://vimeo… change it to http://www.vimeo… and it should work.

Thanks I will give it a try.

_ _ _ _muni123
_ _ _ _PeterH
_ _ _ _Gear (landed)
_ _ _ _knoxuni (set)
_ _ _ _anton005 (landed)
_ _ _ _unibabyguy (landed)

Muni Challenge #1: Creek crossing

Is tomorrow is the last day to post (one week rule)?

muni123, do you want to shoot a substitute clip (like riding through a pile of snow)?

Here’s a real old clip. Hope it works. I’m way better than this, haha.!716&sff=1&authkey=!ABztGkffUCKFgHw

Sorry it seems as though the link is not working.

On this link, I am the kid with the white shirt and orange Nimbus Oracle 24’’.

The second clip is the one for this otg.!205&sff=1&authkey=!AMnfWMr0BiOQsW0


Are we done with this round? If so then I think anton005 is due to set the next trick.

Rules I am using:

PeterH, it wasn’t clear but were you submitting a substitute clip (riding thru snow instead of a creek)?

Yeah, unfortunately there are no small creeks around where I live. I just conjured up an old clip to seal the deal. If you guys don’t think it’s good enough I’ll take a letter.


allright, I’ll try and find something and film it tomorrow.

Im ready to go ride! im so ready!

here it is…

SO this is all I could come up with today… I realized how much I suck when it’s time to film something challenging :stuck_out_tongue: But I guess thats the point, to try things you normally wouldn’t.

To sum up muni challenge #2: ride on a skinney, tree, ladder type structure.

I think this works, if not I can try and find somethign differnt this weekend.