My unicycles are all a bit old school, and so far I have only used Magura Rim brakes, however I realise a disc brake is considered much better. Rather than buying a new frame with a disc brake tab I have wondered about the old d’brake adaptor. I know it has produced movement problems for some people, but was also beefed up later. However it seems they’re no longer produced or available in shops. I have a 400 series Schlumpf hub so am wondering about a Brakefast adaptor for that, but I would need to have a tab on the opposite side of my KH frame to accommodate an internal disc. I’ve seen that UDC UK have their Brakefast tab kit to weld on a mounting tab. Clearly much stronger and a permanent solution, however to position it right you need to use… a d’brake adaptor!
So I’m wondering if this is all worth pursuing… are there likely to be d’brake adaptors out there that people are willing to part with, and would they be worth getting for someone looking to try adding a disc brake, either to a single speed uni or for a Schlumpf?
Swedish store has it: Nimbus D’Brake Disc Mount - - Unicycle
I’ve got a d’brake adapter on my Oregon - because that’s the way UDC implemented a disc brake back then. Now I’m not a hardcore municyclist, so take it with a grain of salt when I say that for me it works well. Like you said there’s the issue with vibrations, but that can be dealt with by adding a “Hugo strut” / “Hugo Strebe”.
On my (g)29er I have a wheel with one of the newest Schlumpf hubs with integrated brake disc, and the d’brake would have to be machined or filed to provide enough clearence for the adapter. That’s why I ride the Schlumpf without a brake at the moment - I rather save my second d’brake for my Oregon. Just in case (so no, I don’t have one to sell…).
The washers are a good idea, even for normal bearing caps. The brake-induced forces are pulling on the screw you put the washers on. Yet, anything that keeps things from moving helps to fight vibrations, I guess.
I went the Hugo strut route with my “gimme a brake” adapter:
My implementation isn’t perfect because it is bent so it attaches to the back of the d’brake adapter (the bent portion is just right of the text). If I were to do it again, I would bend it 1-2mm in the other direction, so it would fit to the front of the adapter. That’s aesthetically less pleasing (at least for me) but the whole thing would be stiffer.
Anyway, for my style of riding it does what it’s supposed to do.
I have one I’m willing to part with, message me if interested.
That’s very good of you, however I’m in the UK and I think postage will be prohibitive. I’ll probably ask around on the UK fb group if I decide to go for getting one
Love this design.
I’ve been long meaning to set that up on my Oregon
(recently recovered all 3 stolen unicycles off eBay by buying them myself - including my beloved Oregon - but that’s another story and one I’ve worked to keep on the down low as I don’t want the thieves to know direct connections to me)
Do you have close up photos on how you made your Hugo Strut? I always felt the Oregon is well positioned for this give the bolt hole on the frame itself.
Just to chime in the 7075 version is markedly better than the 6061 option from what I understand of the two models made.
So if you track one down try and get the 7075
Wow, that‘s great news! Sad that you had to buy them back, though - they are yours after all.
Yes, the Oregon is (almost) perfect for a Hugo strut. I made pictures of the production process but they‘re probably stored on an external hard drive. Will search for them and report back.
Agreed but the thieves know where I live so the idea of police being involved while ‘just’ - could add that nervy aspect of potential blow-back / retribution.
£400 for all three of them stung, but the Oregon has way too much sentimental value having got it in 2012 and them being now pretty rare.
I should also credit @holyroller for alerting me / calling me to say they’d turned up on eBay while I was mid agonising gallbladder attack.
To say the unicycle community close knit, is a massive understatement
Looking forward to your photos if / when you can find them!
I used a d’brake adapter to upgrade my old Nimbus II framed muni and so far it’s been working great. I stole my from my Nightfox and I think it’s the 6061 version. No additional bracing so far but I’m mostly doing XC riding.