I have just started unicycling, i live near cleveland, looking for someone to ride with, i am interested in any style, i own a GP20 trails, and keen on rideing street, freestyle/flatland, email me if your interested Frenzal_D_N_A@hotmail.com
hey, theres a group of unicyclists around the gap that go on rides every week or so. you can contact gary land - www.unicycles.com.au. i live in ashgrove and he put me onto the list that they send out to you to tell you the info for the next ride planned. i havent yet gone with them yet, mainly because of the guy who does it recently crashed his mtb but im looking forward to riding with them, im not sure what they exactly do but im pretty sure they do MUni and possibly some street, trails. you can read on the website about a uni comp they are having later in the year.
cheers, keep it wheel.
man i am suprised how many unicyclists in aus
yeah i’m also part of that mailing list. I live at The Gap - right next to where they start off from with the group. I haven’t gone a ride yet either but i plan on in the coming weeks. We’re getting a good amount of people in Brisbane now