My computer applications II class is doing a project on music where we research a certain type of music then make a powerpoint for it and I’m doing mine on Australian hip-hop.
I was wondering what some of your favorite Aussie hip-hop songs are because I need to have clips in the background. I already have a lot of Hilltop Hood and a few of the Herd. I also need to know if any fashions or popular dances have come out of this type of music.
Ok the main problem you are going to run into is; there is quite alot of Australian hup-hop, alas quite alot of that is not all that good.
Of course there is the Herd, hilltop, Muph& Plutonic
then there is stuff like Local Knowledge, Necro and Bigfoot that have their moments but fail dismally other times…
Wilcannia Mob - Down River is an interesting hip hoppity song by a bunch of young australian aboriginals.
i reckon you should just try googling it. see what happens.
you should be able to find the triple j website which should have a forum or msg board of some type. or find an email adress somewhere. most of these blokes will help you, they are egar to get promotion. just drop emails to all the adresses you can find. Goodluck!!
yeah I’ve pretty much found the stuff I’ve need. The nice thing is that since no one has ever heard Australian Hip Hop I can make up any info and no one would ever know.
lol very true. did you find many aboriginal artists?
you could mention anthony mundines rap song? it had a slight hip-hop sound to it and was somewhat commercial, what with the film clip showing people burning the Australian Flag and pictures of john howard and himself suggesting we take the union jack of the flag.
Hmm, I actually liked it a lot. It’s good music. I know what you mean about being commercial, though. Just look at their website. Very well done, but all comercial. Promoting CDs and selling hoodies.
I think this is what eventuall happens to practically all the bands, unless they fall apart. I remember Muse from Showbiz. I didn’t like Absolution when it came out. I don’t know.