Cannonball Run!
Oh yeah!!!
Cannonball Run!
Oh yeah!!!
You bargain shopper you! thats surely a worthy movie to be purchased at any price
Whats canonball run??
Wal-marts awsome.
Indeed, but one that I wouldn’t have thought about, unti lseeing the cover.
I’m a big fan of the audio commentary, it’s usually the only special feature I watch, I refuse to watch any more ‘alternate endings’
Cannonball Run in real life
The just did that ‘race’ starting in Seattle. Some people were pulled over for going over 120 mph.
Cannonball Run race runs afoul of law
Rally collides with rules of road
they also do one helluva gumball rally through europe.
i recently got from the wal-mart bargain bin Girl, Interupted, Sneakers, and Bulworth. all for $16.50. weeeeeeeee
I have never set foot in a Walmart ever, never. I don’t like that store, i live in the city there are none around me either.
No its not.
I try not to buy movies from Wally World, but sometimes it’s just so convenient… I will never ever ever buy music from Wlaly though? Why? 'Cause they usually only sell “Radio Edit” CD’s. Censorship is un-American. It’s also hypocritical, since they sell R-rated movies with the same kind of language etc. Case in Point: Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back. Wasa fairly big movie when it came out, and if you got the DVD from Wally World it included ALL the scenes they had to cut to get an R instead of an NC-17. So technicaly, they were selling NC17 stuff…
Re: At the local walmart discount DVD bin
“How would you like it if I took these rosary beads and shoved them straight up your ass?”
When I was just a kid in Prescott, AZ I got to watch the filming of a scene from Cannon Ball Run. First time seeing anything like that, and lets just say it was explosive.
Yes, it is. They have a great return policie. They will take back anything if somthings wrong with it, if their produce is bad they’ll give you TRIPLE your money back.
The only thing wrong with it is they dont have super-expensive name brand stuff.
Wally World comes in handy sometimes. Especially the ones open 24 hours. Last year I was driving home from Portland Oregon late at night and one of my headlights burned out. There was a 24 hour Wally World open by the freeway. So at 2 am I buy an new headlight bulb and install it in the parking lot. Problem solved. Where else can you find a halogen headlamp at 2 am?
I have 5 Super Walmarts all within 15 minutes of me. Walmart has left 4 buildings empty in the process of opening these Super Walmarts. The only thing “Super” about them is the are Super Dirty, Super at screwing up traffic, super at leaving behing 100’s of thousands of unusable retail space etc… They won’t let the majority of businesses that are capable of using the buildings use them.
In Georgia there is a free healthcare program for children of low income families. Guess who’s employees have the largest percentage of children using this system? So I may get cheap socks, but my taxes go up because Wally World won’t hire employees fulltime, like most other decent companies.
In smaller communities the downtown areas crumble because Walmart can offer products much cheaper, or resort to predatory pricing until their competition is gone. Small radio stations like the ones JC was lamenting in another thread loose all their ad revenue and can no longer pay DJ’s to run the station, so they go with a prepackeged product like Dave FM or something similiar. I have seen it happen in my own family that owned Stations in IA, MN and WI. Walmart won’t replace the ad revenue lost by those stores.
There are some good things about Walmart, but they surely don’t outway the bad. I won’t say I refuse to shop there, but I don’t go there first. I have no love for Walmart. Any company that creates billionaires and can’t provide Healthcare as a benefit to their employees is screwed up. I know they do it for fulltime, but they make an effort to hire as few as possible. Including outsourcing cleaning services to companies that hire illegals, to avoid the costs that I have as part of my business. You can have them, they get as little of my $$$ as possible.
Is their a I hate Walmart site?
wal-mart does generally suck. however like JC mentioned it can be handy. like when i work 9pm-5am and need some stuff when i get off. boom. 24 hour wal-mart, i impulse bought the dvds i listed above.
friend of mine worked there for a while, they’d schedule him for 38 hours to avoid paying benefits and such. he’d get told to clean something or do some project that took a while shortly before he was scheduled to be done. then later they’d bitch that he was working more than 38 hours/week.
Is their a I hate Walmart site?
None of them work. They are probably owned by Walmart.
But there is a song
haha thats a good idea… so no one else can have those websites… how clever
I’m not fond of Wal*Mart and I shop there as little as possible. I don’t like how they treat their “associates” and other aspects of how they run their business. I also don’t like shopping at places that let the checkout stands get so backed up. So I usually choose to shop elsewhere if I can.
I did buy my Schwinn cycle computer at WalMart. They were one of the few places carrying it. It’s the old one button style Schwinn computer. It works well for unicycles and doesn’t have problems with erroneous readings. I bought up three of them when I found out they were being discontinued for a new model. But that’s been my last major purchase at WalMart other than the emergency headlight purchase.
While I’m complaining I’ll continue by complaining about the self checkout stations like they have at Wal*Mart. I hate them. I refuse to use them. I tried using one and I ended up swearing at it. Put your item in the bag. I just did. Scan the next item. I just did and you didn’t register it. Scan the item again. The machines are annoying and get easily confused if you buy two or more of the same item. I hate them.
you sould have been carrying a spare. :o