
Anyone an artist on here, professional or hobbiest.
Well I love doing art (hobby). I did these two vinyl records the other day.
I used spray paint and paint markers.
Post any art that you’ve done, doesn’t have to be professional quality, just art.
And that does include photography (photography is a form of art).

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I like to draw some things, I have some small pictures of what I have done, but I took the pictures with my webcam, so they are bad.

Didnt ever put a face on him lol

I messed around with the pic on the comp and got these.

Then heres one more, that I also messed with on the comp afterwards.


Goth Remake Darker.JPG

Goth Remake 2.JPG

Goth Remake 3.JPG

My Angel.jpg

My Angel 2.JPG

My Angel Close-up.jpg

My Angel Close-Up 2.JPG


My Original Scanned onto computer.

Enhanced on Macromedia Freehand MX by me.

I just do the usual projects in art class, but some of them come out pretty good (I guess).

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^is there a deeper meaning to that one ?

and some “art” I made

If you’ve ever worn a tie before then you will understand the drawing imediately. :stuck_out_tongue:

Cool picture, by the way. It’s much more ‘artistic’ than anything I could do.

Man Dan, that’s dope stuff.

What were the records though? :stuck_out_tongue:

Jane Fonda’s work out records, Barbara Streisand, etc.
You get the picture?

James Fonda?!

You Fiiiiiiend!!!

I guess the picture in my profile is art.It’s really expressive!I normally don’t bother to comb my hair, I just get it in a ponytail, doesn’t last long.I learned the static mount this morning while in PJ’s.Not those, though.I also like Star Wars and playing with lightsabers.The cape can represent my crazyness and/or stupidity.Although I didn’t take it, I’d still include it as art.I would have edited it, but I’m not good with that.Well, I guess stupidity IS deep!

Did this the other night.

Might be selling it
16"x20" canvas.

that’s really nice. One of the riders in SDuni(San Diego unicycle club) wants to study art next year(or semester or somehting like that) at college.

Did you just draw it, or is it literally a collage of paper?

Its a spray paint background and paint markers for the box things.
Not a collage, although thats a good idea.

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I’m not artistic, but I wish I was…

This will be going on sale on Ebay soon.
8x12" canvas
Spray paint and paint markers.

Let me know what you think.

I like it! Its awesome that you’re selling your work… This is a cool thread, i love art. I like cartooning and animation especially. These are some cartoons that i posted in some threads on these fora (is ‘fora’ the plural for forums?)

I enjoying using Flash to draw. Its the whole vector thing - i like the cleaness of it.

happy birthday.JPG

Dung Beetle.JPG



Copy of TJ Crest Good Quality Version.bmp (85.2 KB)

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Hey cool stuff, very funny!

I like the smoking guy one… haha!

I can’t draw worth doodoo… but I wish I could, I like cartoons and stuff. I pretty much have only drawn one that’s actually not TOO crap. I’ll scan it when I go back o the desktop computer.