Anyone an artist on here, professional or hobbiest.
Well I love doing art (hobby). I did these two vinyl records the other day.
I used spray paint and paint markers.
Post any art that you’ve done, doesn’t have to be professional quality, just art.
And that does include photography (photography is a form of art).
I guess the picture in my profile is art.It’s really expressive!I normally don’t bother to comb my hair, I just get it in a ponytail, doesn’t last long.I learned the static mount this morning while in PJ’s.Not those, though.I also like Star Wars and playing with lightsabers.The cape can represent my crazyness and/or stupidity.Although I didn’t take it, I’d still include it as art.I would have edited it, but I’m not good with that.Well, I guess stupidity IS deep!
I like it! Its awesome that you’re selling your work… This is a cool thread, i love art. I like cartooning and animation especially. These are some cartoons that i posted in some threads on these fora (is ‘fora’ the plural for forums?)
I enjoying using Flash to draw. Its the whole vector thing - i like the cleaness of it.
I can’t draw worth doodoo… but I wish I could, I like cartoons and stuff. I pretty much have only drawn one that’s actually not TOO crap. I’ll scan it when I go back o the desktop computer.