I’m sure most of you have already found This Site
Post your test result numbers!
As of next week, after the TOque games, I will be a 52.6.
I’m sure most of you have already found This Site
Post your test result numbers!
As of next week, after the TOque games, I will be a 52.6.
well i got a 36.36
im not proud of it, but hey, some of those things are pretty dumb.
Ooohhh. I bumped up to 70.78, up from a few years ago.
It’s scewed I tell ya … !
No questions on how long you known how to ride …?
Although, I score a 23, I have been riding 35 years.
Just because I’ve never met another unicyclist in all that time is just a matter of odds.
I had to reach out to find others.
I got a 57.14
34.42, but that will probably change quite a bit soon. Given how much I’m “into” unicycling, I deserve at least a 75.
41.56 and I’m just starting to get back into it!
You answered yes to 68 questions.
This gives you a score of 44.16 percent.
that means… Unicycling is something you are pretty passionate about and plays a big part in your life. wahey!!
OMG! That also means that you got the EXACT SAME SCORE as uni57! Silly boy!
(no kidding… you can check me)
DUDE, that’s soo cool!! we’re twins! along with these guys…
Simon Wells 44.16
Sabin 44.16
tazza 44.16
the onewheeler 44.16
Ben Freeland 44.16
booger 44.16
Dave Lowell 44.16
Drae ( Unicycle repair) 44.16
flyinguy77 44.16
holger 44.16
hgf 44.16
Michael Atkinson 2/28/05 44.16
Kevin O’'Brien 44.16
massius 44.16
Jason - Seattle 44.16
jason wieske 44.16
Joe Graff 44.16
JonnyD 5/5/03 44.16
45.45 Now
51.95 in a few months…
Dear God, no.
haha, just what I was thinking. however…
Some questions in the test are rather vague and could be interpreted rather loosely by some people to boost their score. How high is the bar for some of these questions?
For example:
Do you own a unique unicycle (yours is the only one like it)?
That could mean a truly unique unicycle like one built with a toy rocking horse as the saddle. Or it could mean something trivial like adding something as simple as a sticker to your unicycle to make it unique. In my mind the unicycle needs to be substantially unique. At a minimum that would mean a very custom paint job with other custom touches. Even better would be a custom novelty unicycle.
Have you ever ridden a unicycle down a steep slope?
How steep is steep? That one is open to too much interpretation. What Kris Holm considers steep is not what Joe Average considers steep.
Can you build a unicycle?
How far do you have to go to claim you built a unicycle? Do you have to build the frame yourself or is it good enough to just be able to buy all the parts separately and put it together? Do you have to build the wheel yourself?
And that question about breaking an axle is not fair. As soon as I started going big enough that breaking an axle was becoming a possibility I got a splined DM unicycle. I don’t mistreat my standard unicycles. I’m just thankful that I managed to break a Profile crank so I could answer yes to the crank question.
This gives you a score of 53.25 percent.
along with
Sam D 53.25
Sean Webster 53.25
Tait 12,03 53.25
Travis W. 53.25
ts 53.25
Josh Brown 53.25
karl 53.25
Kate 53.25
pete 53.25
Richard 53.25
nicoliusnicolius 53.25
Nils 53.25
Gerard Poche 53.25
GILD 53.25
iain purves- 2004 53.25
Helene 53.25
Daryl Dillman June 2004 53.25
ExtremeUnicycler@aol.com 53.25
don’t think i know a single one of those people