Are you 45+

today I went Muni riding in the woods during a storm . exhilarating experience: too bad I had bouts of asthma that required long pauses.
I experienced with very low pressure on my Gazz and thus could go through every bog full of mud I could find! fantastic! one track was so muddy that I am sure I could have overtaken any MTB that would have dared to try it.
I love bad weather!

now how to drive a car when your pants are full of mud? :smiley:

go uni go


@ unibugg: it is nice to ride a Hochrad, most people don`t see the little second wheel and think it is a unicycle:)
to get on, you push it like a scooter and climb up

@ legtod2: its comfortable, because the seat is built like a hammock and the big rim is weak

this week unilesson: go backwards

Happy Birthday Steveyo. Sounds like a nice ride, but I must say that I’m disappointed that you didn’t take Norrys lead and go out on a 45 mile blast :frowning:


Thanks all for the birthday wishes!

STM, I didn’t do the 45 miles on my 45th, but Rolandisimo and I do plan on qualifying for RTL later this month, so we will have to do that distance soon enough!

You’re doin OK for an old guy. Happy Birthday Steve!


I’m 52. My knees may be older, I don’t know.

It’s About Time!

Last night was our town Christmas parade. A local bike shop got all the unicyclists together and we rode in the parade. I’ve never been able to ride with anyone locally so this was quite a treat.
Now the unicyclists want to form a club. It’s about time. I’ve been trying to drum up interest for a while. Until recently I didn’t even know most of the unicyclists in town.
The next day I was invited to go with them to a place they decided to practice. It was so great to have other unicyclists to talk to. They are all better than I so I will have a lot to learn and someone to get pointers from.
Then we all went out to eat.

Thanks for the encouragement Cath. Much appreciated. I think it was you I met at Salford and Manchester conventions…I am terrible at name recall.

Also thanks to my friend Nao: she has spent months nagging me, telling me I would be able to ride the DM if I just got up there and tried.

Terry, I think that was the age that I thought you looked (37) if you say that people will start thinking that insted of an impressive 52 you are a fair 37 that would suck. well thanks again for the insperation from one of the kids

Some of you might recall the thread earlier this year (May?) about who was the oldest unicyclist still riding. Although I was 71 then (now 72yrs 3mths) I fell short by 22 years, as they found someone who was 93. :sunglasses:

The world is a big place and there are lots of oldies who don’t use computers, so I am sure there must be lots of people my age or older who ride unicycles but don’t know of this forum.

Anyway, you guys and gals were nice to me in those postings, so I thought it only courteous to let you know that I am still riding and enjoying it immensely. I have no idea how long it will last, I just take it as it comes and it puts fun into my exercise regime.

I have been riding for two years now and am making slow progress. I have a 20" and 24" basic learner uni. and prefer the 20" mostly. My longest street rides (mostly footpath/sidewalk) have been 4km (2.5miles) on about four occasions on the 20", and 7km (4.37miles) on two occasions on the 24". I am starting to like the 24" for the longer rides now and the 20" for practising new things.

Close to my home there is a concrete pad with a railing around three sides where I can try out different things with no onlookers. ( Lucky to have that eh?). My overly ambitious current aim is to try one foot riding and wheel walking. I might never achieve those, but with my hand hovering above the railing, I have managed a couple of crank rotations of one footing and about three tire pushes of wheel walking before having to grab the railing for support. So far it’s not much, but fun trying anyway.

Finally, I am passionate about unicycling and love this forum, you guys/gals are great.
Peter. :slight_smile:

MCMXXXV you’r an inspiration

I’m pleased to here from the mature riders. It inspires me to believe I can look forward to a long riding time span.

Way to go.


Having just got my first uni about a month ago at 54 years, I second Legtod2’s comment.

Where in Tennessee are you?

Yes. Quite possibly.

hmm… uh…hm… probably easier to get off or should I say get down? :smiley:

You are working on going backwards? I’m working on getting the courage to seriously work on going backwards. This week’s lesson is the same skinny in the park.

I was doing fine then a few seconds later was pulling my knees and hands off the ground. A guy nearby says, “That was great!” I asked him which part: the riding or the falling. Of course he meant the fall. “It’s easy to fall.” I replied picking debris out of my gloves. :wink:

Ooh, that’s a great excuse! I suppose we can wait a bit longer to hear about your age in miles.

I’m envious, Gina. Truly. :slight_smile:

Wow! There is always something new to try, isn’t there. Wishing you lots of fun and success with it.

Wheel Rider

[QUOTE=Wheel Rider]
Where in Tennessee are you?

When I say I live in Tennessee everyone immediately thinks of Memphis for some reason. I live on the other end of this very long state from you, near Chattanooga, Tennessee.



I wish I had started when I was younger. It would have made it easier, but you give me hope. I would like to ride into my 90’s…at least.
You’ve been riding on slightly longer than I have and you’re already doing things I wish I could do.
Keep up the good work and let us know how it’s going.

Hey Gina,

Thought I’d post even though this is one of the few threads I am really too young to be posting in. It was good talking with you the other night. I hope your progressing.

I am a mere child at 41. When I grow up, I’ll dig this thread up and repost.:smiley:


Hey Gina,

Thought I’d post even though this is one of the few threads I am really too young to be posting in. It was good talking with you the other night. I hope your progressing.
I am a mere child at 41. When I grow up, I’ll dig this thread up and repost.

It was great talking to you too. I see you found us 45+'ers. We have a 42.5 year old on this thread. I guess a year and a half isn’t so much.
I thought about coming down to your area to ride in the Christmas parade in Watkinsville, Ga., but a 400+ round trip for a half mile parade is a bit much. Turns out we had our first parade with uni’s where I live.
I have found if I ride in a parade it forces me out of my comfort zone and I progress faster, for a while anyway.


You’re from Chattanooga!! Well, I’ll be darned. I happen to know a couple from Chattanooga! I’ll check the Chattannoga population on the internet, for before I ask if you know them!