Are you 45+

I have been bouncing around various threads with a bunch of you, but never really noticed this one before. Thanks for reviving it bluesman. I started learning right at 4 months ago, and it has been quite a ride! Several of us that are just learning have a thread going over on Just Conversation called Learning Journal (most of you already know) so if you are a noobie then you can come join the fun on that thread as well.

See you around the community :slight_smile:

I noticed this thread earlier and have even been eligible during my whole unicycling career (learned to ride last spring) - but this is my first post here! :slight_smile:

I’m a tweener – smack in the middle of this thread and the 55-plus. Started when I was 46. Never get tired of beating 30-yr. old mtb riders up hills!

sixty-five and twenty-nine

65 yrs old…doc told me to start exercising and work on my balance…so when I ran across my 24" unicycle , I thought I can kill 2 birds with one stone and me included. long story short I survived the initial learning process…I ride every day weather permit… I bought a 29" and changed the seat, pedals and tire…and my average daily ride is 6 miles…my longest ride without stopping is 3 miles. and my longest total ride is 12 miles… (2 hours) My favorite spot is a wetland area with a 4ft wide paved walk…with steep hills, curves and two wooden bridges that go across two small lakes…its a mile from parking and about a quarter mile in length. I usually circle it about 10 times before heading back…I get a lot of positive comments from joggers and bicyclists and I enjoy talking about my unicycle…I think people don’t expect to see me riding up on it… I am now in the best shape I’ve been in in years…I’ve learned one thing…buy a patch kit and pump and wrenchs and carry them if riding any distance…it was really windy one day and during one big gust I reached to catch my cap, the wind caught my jacket …turned it into a sail and off the trail I went…through a thorn patch and ended up walking back 2 miles with a flat tire…anyway… MY apology to Unigeezer… my daughter tells me that I should add lol to the end of my comments when I am trying to be funny…or just forget trying to be funny… so if you will unblock me (YouTube) I swear to be deadly serious about unicycling stuff from now on… I was just embellishing on airing my tire to the point of exploding and then a little more…lol

Hello all. Guess I qualify. Just starting. Or I should say saw the CBS story this morning and I plan on starting. Looks to be great fun and exercise. Easier to fit into my truck than my bike also. Will keep you all posted.

Way to go Guys

Nice to see two new riders in the 55+ category. Don’t forget to check out these two threads

Very old thread this one. The peeps that were 45 when the thread started are ancient by now ^_^. Still I am so young not have have reached that age and I still feel like I’m 25.