Are you 45+

Fire this Geezer thread back up

Well, at the risk of dusting off old threads I thought I would post. I am 50 and I have been at it for just over a week and I am so happy to be making significant progress. Riding a good 5+ ft without support before I launch off the uni. I practice almost every night and I can’t wait to get my “sea-legs” under me so I can go cruisin. I have only had one bad wipe out, where I fell backwards , but I was wearing my ATV body armor so no damage. I have already begin lusting after all the cool hardware out there, but I gotta learn how to ride first!! :smiley:

I started when I was 46 so hang in there, you’ll be collecting new hardware before you know it! :wink:

Welcome to one-wheeled pedaling bluesman. I too am one of those slightly mad, slightly older (46) folks who’s not long since started riding a unicycle. It seems unicycling lends itself to the gear-hound in those of us who have those tendencies :wink: I’ve already got two unis and another frame for the 24 in my sights :roll_eyes:

Keep us posted on your progress - although keep in mind it’s not a competition for who can learn quickest (the young folks will always win that competition being young, brave and ‘immortal’).

Happy pedaling

Thanks for reviving the thread bluesman. Sounds like you are making fast work of getting going!

I’m 52 years old (surely slightly mad and definately into toy aquisition) and learning to unicycle for the first time. After several weeks I can ride quite a ways with a hand on someone’s shoulder but letting go UPD’s me right quick.

Heh, yeah. Good thing it is not a race Doc Doo. My broken and disslocated toe will likely handicap my UNI learning progress by 4-6 weeks… Getting some good one legged balance practice that I know will pay off later though ;0)…and, your collective progress reports over the coming weeks will give me great vicarious pleasure.

Happy Posting & Peddling!

Ouchies kickstand, tis bad luck to break/dislocate that toe. Possibly a painkiller or two could facillitate some short practices?

Kickstand, how did you break the toe?

Ok I’m fessing up age wise, which I don’t usually do. I’m 52, same story as most, used to ride, internet search, riding again and having a great time! The local town paper just did a short article about my riding, it was kind of fun.

Yeah, frustrating. Everyday I think of some new kind of motion I can get in so I don’t go completely crazy sitting here with my foot up. Pain isn’t so bad but the Dr. was quite firm about not doing anything that might move the broken bone ends until at least two weeks into the healing process. Then only very low intensity activities for the month after that. So, probably won’t be sneaking in any UPD ended test runs until four weeks from now.

Oh, bluesman, I wish I had a better story… I was simply walking fast and took a corner too wide and fast in my bare feet and collided with a sharp corner of heavy furniture. That simple, that stupid. :o

Any updates on your peddling adventures to share?

Just glad to hear it wasn’t Unicycle related!

Exactly! Although, I was very likely day dreaming about riding my uni when it happened:D

I remember this thread from a year or two back. I was ineligible then but now I am a good, solid 45 so, thanks for bringing it back up!
This afternoon I was interviewed by a local writer for MinnPost (online news gatherer and sometimes generator in Minnesota) regarding unicycling - especially distance riding. It is fun to verbalize all the specialized knowledge that unicycling makes relevant and memorable to us. An hour and a half just sped by! We’ll see what comes of it.
Heading off for a ride on a beaut of a day!!

That’s cool. This lady emailed me after some guy wrote her paper telling them that he sees me riding around and thought it would be a “feel good” story. So they asked him if he saw me again to get my email. I talk to so many people so it’s no big deal and gave him my email. Then the little town paper emailed me and asked if I would interview and ride for her. I sprained my ankle on a Sunday and she emailed me on that Monday. We put it off for two weeks then met, it was early September when she interviewed me and the article went in this past Friday. I thought they had scrapped it to be honest. It was a cute little story, some of the stuff she got was totally wrong, but at least it recognized unicycling to the area. When I rode this weekend one couple asked if I was the lady in the article :slight_smile: so it was cool. I hope your article comes out and is enjoyable. Hope you have a good ride. :slight_smile:

hi all Iam mark aka hiltop2 I turned 56 on the 4 of oct still riding my old uni here in ventura,CA like this site.

+55 Threads

Please check out the two +55 threads too. Be glad to have you.

As of today, I’m eligible to post in this thread.

Happy Birthday and happy pedaling :slight_smile:


Do you ride with the Twin Cities Unicycling Club?
I had a local paper do an interview with me and took some pictures, but the story was never used. I think the reporter just used it as an excuse to talk to me because her nieces were starting to unicycle.
I was riding not too long ago and I looked up and saw a lady videoing my ride from inside her van. She videoed for a while and then drove away.


A little digging through threads, and I am now Eligible by over two months to post in this thread. Sweet. Cant wait to show off a new 36er build. :slight_smile:

no i’m not

I am 49 … start unicycle about 3 months ago and I am hooked! Never too old or never too late … have fun!