Anyone skilled or knowledgeable with Grav CMS / Twig?

It’s a bit cheeky of me but I’m struggling with the configuration of my website using Grav CMS.

I went with this as it appealed to the geek in me and because I really couldn’t stand the look of pages created with WordPress.

I wanted a clean and light interface that was kind of easy to login to and edit.

However at times I’m wondering if I should chuck in the towel with Grav and go with another platform. Some parts of using Grav are so faffy that I feel like I’m never going to write a blog post (image formatting seems like you need programming skills)….

Basically I am trying to get its instagram plug in to work in a nice way. The documentation for this is rather basic and my skills are next to zero when it comes to actual coding or interpretation of what the system asks me.

If there’s no one with Grav experience that might be able to help, I’d also welcome any alternative platforms to Grav - but that are perhaps easier to use.
