just looking round some uni site when i came across this uni has anyone ever riden one and whats it like for trials?
just looking round some uni site when i came across this uni has anyone ever riden one and whats it like for trials?
It’s got a huge tire, but the hub looks tiny and it doesn’t have very many spokes. Also, the shock absorber things are fake.
Re: anyone riden this uni??
Got a link to the site?
Looks like a trials tire on a square taper hub. Unless the boots are there for decoration, it looks like a viable suspension uni.
I’ve only ridden one suspension uni but it had a suspension seat post. My ride was just a short ride across a gym; my first impression was I didn’t like it because the seat would come up with each pedal stroke down.
Its a luna. Tiny hub for sure. 36 spokes not enough for you? The shock looks fine to me but I dont know how long it would last. The seat post looks really long.
Don’t bother - these are horrible. A cruel gimmick from the bike industry. These unicycles will not even hold up to being dropped in the process of learning to ride, let alone actually being used for trials riding! The more fundamental issue, however, is that suspension for trials unicycles is completely redundant. No-one lands big drops sitting on the seat, so why bother suspending it in the first place? All it does is creates a heavy, weak frame. Junk!
The problem with that type of suspension design is that pedaling a unicycle puts unequal forces on each leg of the unicycle. When you pedal a unicycle the wheel wants to flop back and forth just like an ultimate wheel wants to flop back and forth. The suspension legs will not be getting equal forces which means you’ll get more stiction and put a lot of stress on the bridge that connects the two legs.
On a bike the front wheel moves up and down. There is very little side to side force. That allows that style of shock to work optimally. On a unicycle it is completely different and that style of shock is not designed for the kind of unequal forces on each leg.
Don’t try using a front suspension fork for a MTB as a unicycle frame. It will not work well even if you use a very high quality fork.
The problem with that particular unicycle is that shock is designed like a Kmart or Wal Mart kids bike that is not intended to be ridden off road. It will not hold up. It’s a piece of junk.