Any Plot ideas for a story?

I’ve had a sudden desire to write a story… but I am getting a bad case of writers block. Anybody have any ideas as to a plot? I want it to be pretty creative, and can be sort of “out there” I’m up for a challenge. So have away! Give me any idea that pops into your head. :stuck_out_tongue:


i think you will find what you are experience comes natural to anyone who just ‘decides’ to write a story and probably also prevents the better half of the world of becoming authors.

I think maybe you should come up with a plot first then quench your story writing thirst.

although i am thinking of a young man who gardens?

Jeez. I just wanted to see if anybody had any ideas. I’ve tried to think of one for a long while. Just can’t… Nothing comes to mind.

lol sorry man i am at work, hence running in radio mode.
my mind is doing thinking stuff to much :slight_smile:

I hate it when you have too much stuff on your mind. Apologie Accepted.

Now does anybody else want to reply with a story plot?

reality Tv show where if someones family gets killed on the show his/her family gets to avenge them in the areana?

just write, it doesn’t have to make sense at all. you can work all that out later. just let it flow. Articles and Essays are easier (and funner) to write than stories and also you dont need to be always worked up about an ending. got to see if there is any good ideas floating about, just dont copy :stuck_out_tongue:

Is it going to be a short story?

What type of story interests you? You must have some idea. I mean, do you like science fiction? Could you write a science fiction story? Mystery? Action? Adventure? Will it be a story about everyday life? Teen life? What age will the main character be? Will there be a wise old person in it that you can model after a grandparent?

Will it take place in the present day or the past or the future? Will a certain geographical area be important to the story? (for example, John Irving, author of The Cider House Rules, often writes stories that take place in New England, which he knows and writes about well).

Will you spend a lot of time on character development? Will we really get to know the characters? How they think and feel and react?

Will it have action or drama or comedy? A little of each? Will the main character suffer a tragedy? What kind of conflict or crisis will the main character need to overcome? Will he or she succeed? Or maybe the main character will learn about life and grow and change as the story progresses. Maybe the things he desired in the beginning of the story are not the things he seeks at the end.

Do you have a specific interest that you could write about? A kayak adventure on a river? Make me (the reader) feel like I’m there. Make me know what it’s like to ____________.

These are just ideas and questions that might help you get unstuck. Hope it helps. Good luck. Maybe I’ll work on some specific ideas later…

Have fun.

THANKS! This is really helpful. I’ll keep this in mind when I write my story. If I ever think of a plot.

You should write about a guy who does stuff and then freakin’ owns some badguys so then when it gets made into a movie people accuse you of being racist.

Maybe you don’t need to start with a plot.

Invent a character. How about a sensitive, loner type kid? Maybe he is very smart and eccentric. He keeps to himself most of the time and as a result, doesn’t have many friends. He doesn’t say much, so people get the wrong impression of him. Get to know him (if you can), and you find out he’s a nice guy. He knows a lot about _____________ (maybe computers or chemistry or science). Maybe he’s fascinated with space travel or the idea of someday colonizing a planet. Or maybe he just likes to spend his day wandering in the woods, talking to the trees. Maybe he can hear the trees talk back. He is odd and this makes people uncomfortable around him.

Your character can appear in many of your stories. Really get to know him. How does he think? He knows he’s different. Does this bother him? Does he like it? Is he insecure? Does he hate the way people treat him? Does he wish he had more friends? Does he have an older brother that picks on him? An understanding sister?


Put him in a situation.

His mother dies (how?). His father moves the family to California. He has to go to a new school and make new friends. The kids pick on him. What could happen (maybe on a school trip?) where his special knowledge can save the day and win everybody’s respect? Or maybe he fails, but he still wins everyone’s respect.

Or maybe something bad happens and they blame him. He is innocent but everyone thinks he did it. He has ONE close friend who understands him. Together, they have to solve the mystery of who did it, in order to prove his innocence.

Make a character you can really get to know well. Then you can put him in all sorts of situations. Develop his past. What are his ambitions? Does he get good grades? Or maybe he is an adult. What does he do for a living?

If you have a solid character, you can write lots of stories around him. You can make a whole series of short stories.

Name him Hackneyed. :stuck_out_tongue:

Just out of curiosity, what do you do uni57? (sorry for the threadjack…PM me your answer if you care)

Yeah, I was thinking that, too (needless to say, because we seem to think alike at times). But I didn’t have time to redo the character, so I just posted what I had. My point was to first invent a character and then put him into a story, rather than look for a plot first. This idea was inspired by my favorite science fiction author, Larry Niven. His character Louis Wu appears in several of his books and short stories in his Known Space series. Once you have a good character, you can use him to tell all sorts of stories.

I’m a computer programmer. As you can tell, I’m definitely not a writer. Nor have I ever tried to write a story of my own. Maybe I should have posted that disclaimer? :slight_smile:

No, it actually has potential. Like you, I am definitely no writer. I write good essays/nonfiction (for school, and such), but my narrative skills are that of a 7th grader. But you could probably get an interesting story out of that. I read some quote somewhere or the other that a sign of a good writer is being able to take a cliche and turn it into something new.

Oh yeah, that whole 20 GOTO 10 thing you had for a while.

Er…and the one you still have now. :o

EDIT- This is why we keep Billy around-

Try speaking from the point of view of an octupus with social anxiety disorder, who is entering adolescence and is feeling sexual desire. As he is wandering in the shallow water, someone throws a bagpipe into the water, and the octopus imagines he’s starting a relationship. TLF. Go.

I bet that’s where Ringo got his inspiration.

Okay, I’m going to redeem myself and come up with a better character. I’ll make the character the same age as you (Poseiden), just to make it easier.

Young Alex is a normal 14 year old kid in every way. He’s on the soccer team. He plays video games. He likes to hang out with his friends.

One day, his mom picks him up after school so they can go out for ice cream and spend some much needed quality time with each other (they’ve been arguing lately and this is sort of a truce). But on the way, they get into a terrible car accident. They both end up in the hospital. His mom isn’t badly injured, but Alex is in a coma. He wakes up six days later feeling okay… except that he cannot see. He is totally blind.

You take it from here. Describe Alex’s day-to-day life without sight and how everybody deals with it. Mother is overcome with guilt. Alex feels helpless and scared. At first he can’t do anything by himself. And he’s angry at the world. And at his mom. But he gets over that. It wasn’t her fault. She continues to blame herself. And she is overly protective, but Alex must learn to live without his sight. The father knows this and so it’s a source of tension between mom and dad. Alex’s friends don’t know what to say or how to treat him.

And so on. Simple character. Simple plot. The ending can be as simple as finally accepting his blindness, or forgiveness, or a newly found inner strength.

Better? Still not quite original. But at least not hackneyed!

GOOD IDEAS! I really appreciate all your help, and am concidering which to write, I might just take what you have given me, and sort of meld it into my own creation. Thank you very much for the inspiration!

Thanks again

Or fighting God to get his sight back, God of War style.

LOL!!! Nuff said.