Any Good News Today?

My wife is often up first and reading the newspaper when I come downstairs. One of my morning habits is to ask, “Any Good News today?”.

Whether this is the result of the Golden Rule, Good Karma, or just a Random Act of Kindness, we had some Good News this weekend:

We spent Spring Break in a small tourist town called Friday Harbor. On the Saturday night we had dinner at a really good family owned Mexican restaurant called MiCasita. Dinner was great, the waiter was very good, we paid by credit card with an appropriate tip.

A few days later we were going through our weekend receipts and found we had accidentally taken the signed restaurant copy of our credit card receipt and must have left the customer copy there. We called the restaurant, they said the charge was run so they did get paid but the tip would not have been processed.

We thought it was only right to send the tip, so we did. Last Saturday we received a letter from the waiter:

It’s always nice to receive Good News!

Steve, I don’t think it really counts when you manufacture your own good news through your own decency and act of kindness. Anybody could do that.

Good deeds are contagious!

I’m a fiend when I’m driving - Boston traffic is horrible and I’m always in a miserable mood when behind the wheel in the city. I try to force myself to do “one nice thing” while driving every day in the hope that it spreads. I know if someone does something nice for me, I always make it a point to spread that around - it’s a nice reminder that not everyone’s a jerk.

That’s definitely very nice though!

send it to

Good story, Steve.