Any Easy Beginner tricks?

i can hop and hop with Seat In Front i can do No-Footers anything else i can do next?

Hi, i would recommend hopping up a curb or riding with one foot.

i can hop up on to a curb but then i fall off before i can start going and one foot riding i tried and it is really hard

Just keep trying. It sounds like you just about have it. :smiley:

It would help if you could learn to idle one-footed, if you even know how to idle normal. I would recommend that for one of your first tricks. :slight_smile:
Backwards riding is another good trick for beginners. How long have you been riding?

learn to idel and go backwards–those help you land tricks. after jumping up a curb, do some more hops.

Riding one foot is actually an easy trick to master, you just have to practice it.
When I was learning, I just practiced riding one foot for like an hour, and then I could do it for about 15 meters. It seems weird at first but it gets easier quickly.

Note: That goes for just about all different types of riding - backward, wheelwalking, gliding, coasting… etc