Cost me $250, and it’s worth every penny. This is like the KH of longboards - top of the line goodness. And unlike KHs, or any unicycle for that matter, it has a virtually unlimited speed limit…and yes, that was an oxymoron…and yes, this thing is made for speed! Serious speed, with no speed wobbles or shaky turns. Plus, this thing is sweet enough to be a race machine once I get good enough (and get a car to get me to the races…:)).
Pictures are to be posted on Thursday, when it arrives.
Just thought I’d let DK, Erin, and the other longboarders know.
“You know you’re a longboarder when you sacrafice your masculinity with pink wheels for the delicious Reflex racewheel 'thane…” If you’re not a longboarder, you wouldn’t know…
Youre getting quite the quiver… I’m glad youre getting into it.
I think you’ll love the Crails compared to randal II’s
The Demonseed is a wicked deck too.
Are the Ron’s ceramics? Tell me you got spacers!?
You should consider (if you didnt already) getting a bunch or bones hardcore, Khiro, or my personal favorites, Radikal (have to be lathed/sanded down a bit) bushings and try some different setups.
I’m lookind forward to pics/your thoughts!
R-IIs are good for carving, especially with upgraded softer bushings, kingpin, etc. That’s what I have on my Mako.
The Crails are Crails and Crails are sweet. Crails. Mmmmmm…
The Rons are just the standard Rons (non-ceramic $25 ones), and yes of course I got spacers. All ordered from Mark… (if you’re on the 'Fish, you know who Mark is…)
(soon to be aquired for free)
Roe Racing Bottlerocket
Tracker RTS/X Trucks
75a S9 Slalom wheels
(I need to buy bearings, risers, spacers, hardware, etc.)
But not a nice longboard. See, Sector 9s, which most college goers have, are just not very nice. And the riders who ride them usually don’t know how to pump, carve, or DH worth a poop, and they just use their boards to commute.
Not all “longboarders” are longboarderz!
DK, Erin, and I are longboarderz.
that board is awesome! i was gonna get one of those boards but i got a regular deck instead. those things absolutly fly though with heaps of control.
last year a 16 year old kid designed one of those boards with springs that you can adjust for different control, and you can even adjust them so you can ride it in skateparks and stuff.
My local longboarder friends (sherpa-a-go-go, spaz_co, and gnar_dog on the 'Fish) didn’t like the way the Bottlerocket’s foot placement was. They didn’t like it enough that they said I could have it for free, along with those RTS/Xs that one of them was replacing with Airflows and then some S9 Slalom wheels that I will probably replace with some ZigZags.
DK - I need a quiver pic, man! What’s your name on the 'Fish?
Haha - no. Seismics are not a very good truck for downhill at all. In fact, Seismics aren’t preferred by many for anything but slalom. Trust me, Crails are pretty much the best speedboarding truck you can get for under $200.
Unlimited speed? Okay, you try and break the terminal velocity of you and the board, then once you do that tell me how you go at breaking the speed of light. As you havn’t already told me that you’ve done it, I’m gonna assume you havn’t done the second.