An incredible race across the Swiss Alps - The Grischa Muni Challenge 2010

I’ve finally finished writing up last week’s account of the Grischa Muni Challenge 2010 - a superb 3-day mountain unicycle race across the Swiss Alps.

I hope you enjoy the read.

Photos can be found here. And more to be added soon.

Steve :D:D:D

Grischa Muni Challenge 2010.pdf (1.05 MB)

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hi steve, thanks so munch for this great, great write up! when i asked you if you can make one i didn’t expec a perfect 13 sheet write up!!

Wow! Great write up and with pictures too! I couldn’t view the picture link, so it was nice you had some shots in the PDF, too much fun!

It’d be so cool to have something like that in the Rockies, a mix of hiking, climbing, public transport, and of course some muni :slight_smile:

Loved it, Im not even more excited for BMW :stuck_out_tongue:
Glad you all had so much fun! :slight_smile:
You mentioned all the groups photo’s being uploaded together, is there a big abum of all of them somewhere?

Superb write-up Steve. Sounds like it was a really good race. Well done for being in the winning team!

From your pictures it doesn’t look as suicidal as I was expecting after seeing Turtle’s usual photo fare. Or did you just not risk stopping for pictures on the really dodgy bits? I love mountains, but I’m not at all good with cliffs!


Turtle has put a selection of all the team’s photos here

More photos now added here


Very insipiring! Great write-up and pictures, thanks for sharing.

I did not sign up for this year’s event because I did not fancy the racing aspect of it. But it is very clear that the racing is just an “excuse” to go and ride beautiful trails with others and push oneself perhaps more than usual (not a bad thing!). Definitely something I would like to do next year!

It sounds like a 26er was the optimal size, but if you only had a 24" and a 29", which one would you go for? (I hope you will say 24" as it fits nicely in my suitcase…)



hi teddy, it looks like the next grischa challenge will be in 2012 somewhere around the date right after unicon. for next year you’ve got the option to join again the elsbet 2011 (10.-13. june)

and i would say, it depends on your team which wheelsize you choose, for me i’d go with the 24" and look for the hardest trails :slight_smile:

That was a great read Steve, thankyou.

BRILLIANT PHOTOS! I havn’t read the write up yet, but I will… Looks like an amazing trip, would love to do thaty someday.

Thanks for the detailed write up and pics steve. There will be an Australian team at the next Grischa muni challenge in 2012- i believe a road trip after unicon is in order!
Good work turtle and everyone else for making fun and interesting muni events- i can’t wait to partake in one.

Iv’e just finished reading the write up, GREAT! Very well done, I love it how some people do such writeups of muni trips :smiley:

I am so jealous, it sounds awsome Steve. Thanks for the write-up and photo links it might just be the impetus I need to get out and Muni (not withstanding the injuries and time constaints I currently have :frowning: )

Really good write-up of the fantastic event… I wish I could be there.