Amputee Unicyclist? YES!

Fantastic ComradeJosef! It’s a great inspiration! Love your smile in second pic!

Wow, thanks for all the support everyone! I appreciate all of the encouragement! How about I answer a few of the questions I saw.

Harper - Yes I used to ride before all this crap started. I’d say I was about a level 3.5 at my best but I used to ride at least 3-5 miles a day. Now I’m at about 200ft! I didn’t even think of the whole missing wheel/missing leg thing. I’m going to have fun with that one.

mbalmer - I’m lucky to have only lost my leg below the knee. Above knee would probably be much harder…and I would love to see somebody do it! I’m sad to hear that he passed away but it sounds like he appreciated life to the fullest while he was here. I’m from California but now I live just outside of Orlando.

TheRhino - The injury was from a motorcycle accident. I had all my gear on, following the rules, etc when a careless driver hit me. My leg was severely broken but that was the only notable injury besides ginormous bruises everywhere from a crash landing. Strangely enough though, I had an appointment with the army recruiter that was cancelled for my first salvage surgery. Now they don’t want me. :thinking:

casey pappalardo - I wouldn’t take that as rude at all, no worries. My balance is still here but my center of balance is off now! Re-learning that has been interesting

johnfoss - One leg, one wheel! I have a vision of riding and juggling bowling pins. Part way through I reach down and remove the leg and ride one footed whilst now juggling the leg…

flususmaximus - It wasn’t as hard to ride as I though it would be even with my limited time on my new leg. I’m still trying to figure out how to free mount. I can’t quite put my full weight on it yet so it is a little bit tricky. Also when I reach the top of the crank my leg has come off a few times. More weight on that pedal should take care of that. UPD’s haven’t been a problem. I got enough UPD training in my years of riding to have a plan. Plus my right leg is massive from hopping and going around on crutches for so long. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve always been compelled to find new/different hobbies and master them. Before this I was starting my career as a motorcycle road racer. I’ll be back there too. Look up the Warrior Dash and the Tough Mudder races. I’ll be there.

There’s definitely more to come once I build up strength again. It was amazing, I really was loving the ride. I emailed the pictures to my prosthetist and they were amazed as well. Their response was literally an application to work for them in their Amputee Empowerment Partner program. Not too bad if I do say so myself.

Thanks again for all the support! If you have questions, ask away!

This is so incredibly awesome. Words fail me!

If there was a unicycling hall of fame I’d say your picture should be in there.

That’s amazing! Congrats, and keep it up. :slight_smile:

You’re my hero, keep it up

One strong will and spirit. Hugely inspirational for sure. Onward!

Very impressive - both in skill and attitude.

There’s a one-legged bicyclist who often enters local audax events near me (and not just the easy ones). I’ve always been impressed by him as well - he’s lost his leg pretty much at the hip, and rides with one crank and a stick/crutch that he clips onto the frame while riding. He’s not that much slower than me, and I consider myself quite a decent cyclist!

These things can certainly be done given some determination. Well done.


Wow that’s inspiring! Thanks for sharing.

Do you have to compensate much with your other leg?

What do you Doctors think about this? :stuck_out_tongue:

Right on Brutha!!
Keep on gettin it.

GizmoDuck - I definitely have my right leg carrying more than it’s share but I’m getting it more evened out. Finding my new centre of balance on the uni is strange but I’m getting that figured out too. My prosthetists thought it was awesome. My doctors…not so sure yet but I’m sure they wouldn’t be completely surprised.

Here’s what you’ve been waiting for. YOUTUBE VIDEOS!!!
Here’s my first few, in order:

The last one is the obligatory “Hard UPD that draws blood” If anyone can tell me how to make the video pause at around :15 in the last one to show the last frame of that video please tell me! The visual of the crash starting to go down is hilarious…and a bit painful.

Looks like I’ll be taking a break for a few days. From now on armored legs it is!

Like a boss,


On your first video when you dropped your supports, I had a flashback from the Forest Gump movie where young Forest is running as fast as he can and breaks out of the confines of his leg braces :slight_smile:

You are nothing short of amazing.

And to think, now you have a built in shin guard on you left leg and the dang thing bites you on the other leg. Brutal!

Good job :sunglasses: I hope you heal quick.

Awesome dude!

Nicely done Joseph. Keep us posted with whatever progress you make

Well done Josef,

And most people I speak to think unicycling is impossible!

A true inspiration to me and other unicyclists to keep riding and living life to the full no matter what happens.


Wow, you have now eliminated one more excuse for not learning to ride :).

I also thought I might not be able to ride a uni (never had before). I broke my back and now am mostly paralysed below the knee and in my hips/glutes. Thanks to my AFO’s (see avatar) I can now ride. Learning was really hard and I still can’t free mount or hop, but I can Muni moderat tech terrain :sunglasses:

Do you have difficulty telling where your foot is on the pedal? I do, I often have to look down to see where my feet are at. Occationally I’ll be riding along and think everything is fine and my heel hits the crank and I go flying :frowning: or my foot slips off the pedal and have a UPD like your last one.

If a person says “where’s the other wheel?” you could reply “what’s with the extra/training leg?”:stuck_out_tongue:

rob.northcott - I read an article in a magazine a couple of years ago about a guy who was an above the knee amputee (pedestrian vs. truck) and raced DH mtb’s. None of his prosthetics worked well in his opinion or would break easily, so he designed and built his own. Then all the doctors used his design for their new prosthetics.

i get to meet that guy a see otter. dude you are amazing. where do you plan to go with your riding?

Whooooo Buddy!!! Love the smile on your face…
Congratulations on being hard-core.

That sounds like a stunning idea.
I can’t think of anything that will tell new amputees that they can still live full lives quite like a one-legged unicyclist.

Awesome work man.

Here’s a screenshot of the uni trying to take a bite out of your leg, not sure if that’s what you were looking for?

Totally inspiring!

YOU can, no doubt, do anything you set your mind to.
Way to go ComradeJosef!

Were you previously a member here?

Thanks for the inspiration!