Advice on grinding

I was just out on a ride and i tried some grinding of rails. It was quite good. I landed a hand rail 4-stair. that was quite fun, but i was wondering what are the best pedals for grinding? i’m grinding on my F.U.N.N. pedals, and then usually project me foreward because of the pins. also, how do you come off the rail at the end… hop off a few inches before the end?.. go right off the end? and also, about how many feet from the start of the rail should you land on the rail? Finally, how big of an angle is optimal to approach a rail at?



yeah i need help too! How do you come at a rail? like right next to it or at a 45degree angel? or what? and how hard is it to actually hop onto it? (due to the rail is heading down and your heading up i would think it would be fairly easy…

and lastly do you grind with your pedals level or one hanging on the rail?

Just in general, how do you guys time your rolling hops so well? Whenever I’m trying to do a rolling hop up onto something, the pedals are in the wrong direction. And, if I try to start where I want to hop from and pedal backwards to plan my run-up, it still doesn’t work…somehow the pedals end up in the wrong position and I don’t seem to be twisting to the side much in the run-up.


hey ryan. handrails is really a difficult subject to get help on. there are very few people who even try handrails let alone get good at them. in order to get some good advice, you will probably need to contact dan heaton, dan doerkson or someone else who can do them pretty well. but from watching the videos of handrails, and trying a few myself, id say ride up at an angle a little less then 45 degrees. project yourself forward as well as up. turn your body a little in the air so you are now paralel with it, and then land on your pedal, and try to keep your pedals lined up.

this is only from observation and a few attempts myself, so it might not be the most accurate help, but its the best i can do, see ya, Kevin


Sometimes when I need to do an accurate jump I start well well away from the place im jumping to/onto. Then when I approach it if I have the wrong angle i just turn a lil to buy some time and get the pedals in the right spot and jump.
If that helped at all.

Yes it did help, thanks a lot. I’ll give it a try.

i’m probably just re-wording wot unimoron siad, but when i’m coming up to the obstacle, even from a long way off, i can tell if my pedals are gonna be right or wrong. This sixth sense means i can then take a zig zag route to buy more time.

i’m probably just re-wording wot unimoron siad, but when i’m coming up to the obstacle, even from a long way off, i can tell if my pedals are gonna be right or wrong. This sixth sense means i can then take a zig zag route to buy more time.
some people put their uni where they want to jump the pedal it backwards and just ride that line. i find the prob wit this is that when i mount i always end up going slighty side to side and this throws my pedal timing. the best way to get timing is just to pratice rolling hops whilst just generally riding.

I’m still at the “pot luck” stage. I tried riding backwards from the object, but found it didn’t work accurately enough. What did work is finding some mark to start from… roll up to the object, note how far forwards / backwards you need to be, then adjust the start accordingly.
