A Kris for Kristmas

i got two lunas for christmas. and an ipod.

are you gonna shavem, iv been thinkin about doin that cause their pretty cheap (30 bucks from bedford i think?)

i got a nimbus 24’ muni (wow that a big trye)
my bro got a 5’ giraffe

lol…KH 24"…I rode it all over the foot of snow on the ground…ski gear and all!!!

I didn’t get any presents from my parents that was unicycle related (we opened presents on Christmas Eve). Then we drove all day Christmas to get to my grandparents house and we opened presents from them and I didn’t get anything unicycle related from them. Then my grandma walked over to the tree and took out a box and said, “Well I think someone sent you a present”. Turns out it was my order from Udc that I had sent to her house. So… I gave my self something unicycle related:D .
Here’s what I got:
Blue Nimbus Frame
89mm cranks
freestyle handle
replacement crank bolt

I’lll get pictures up sometime

I’ve ordered this KH brake lever mount just before christmas:

and thinking about a 2.6" tyre and a brake…

im going to shave one of them.

i think ill prolly do the same thing, im a lil bit nerveous about shaving it tho

my friend got a new KH20