38km in Den Oever


sorry that I write in english, but my dutch is very bad.
I will start here. 38km tijdrit afsluitdijk

Now I want to ask who of you will do it too.
And how fast you will be.
I think my time will be 1h 40min. But I’m not sure, because my training will start durning the next days.

Hi Jann,

I will ask around on who will also enter the race and what their times will be. I will be riding it and if my foot doesn’t hurt too much I’m hoping on a time of around 1.30h



I will participate as well, but will not be quite as fast as you guys. I think about two hours, depending on wind. But hey, I might win my age class. :slight_smile:

Walter de Valk will also participate. I don’t know of anyone else, so it might be the four of us.


There is a list of participants on http://www.autoped.nl/afsluitdijk/ . Currently there are four from NL and three from D. I’ll be interesting.