28" Nimbus Ultimate Wheel

These are getting harder to find now and I paid much more than I’m asking for it. It’s in almost perfect condition except the tire is worn in some spots. I’m looking to get $125 for it plus you’d pay for shipping, but if you’re interested please make an offer. Also very happy if someone wants to pick it up in person.

It was fun to ride, but with only so much time in the day, I’m choosing to focus on my smaller UW’s.


@dreamisdestiny ,

I would like to purchase your Ultimate Wheel.

I already own one, but yours is the color I prefer.

I have an idea I would like to offer you and the forum members.

If anyone wishes to own a 28” Ultimate Wheel, but is more interested in a metallic gray version with green pedals, then I will buy the blue/white UW from @dreamisdestiny , and then will send mine to whoever would like to purchase mine for the same price.

Lastly, if anyone prefers the blue/white UW being sold by @dreamisdestiny , then please claim it as yours and coordinate payment and shipping with him. Please do not interpret my offer above as a “claim” on the blue/white UW. I am only hoping to possibly create a win/win/win scenario for all involved. :slightly_smiling_face:


I’M interested in your UW. I’ll send a message to you.

Are either of these still available? I’d prefer @Uni2ONE2 's gray one if that’s still on the table.

You are always a fair and equitable person to do business with.i hope one of those cyclists took your offer.

My UW is currently still available. Several people have reached out over time, but always the shipping was the sticking point. It’s a big box, even with the pedals and tire off, and is expensive to ship unfortunately. If anybody can pick up from NYC area, or knows a cheap way to ship this type of package…

@unitortoise , my original offer still stands.

@dreamisdestiny is correct. A cheap shipping option may not be available. I would expect to pay ~$50 for shipping.

If you are on board with that scenario, you and I can settle up via PMs, and I will then coordinate delivery of the blue/white UW from @dreamisdestiny to me.

And thank you for the compliment, @Bug72 !

If one would need a new tire for it, where would one acquire it?
@dreamisdestiny where did you get your blue one. When I bought my grey UW 28", I believe at that mo it was the last one in stock at municycle.com, so many years ago.They now only sell a 24", but I’d think the 28 will be easier to ride, not that I have experience with smaller UW’s

Sorry for the slow reply. Last May I got maybe the last one they had here:

Recently I replaced the tire on it with an almost new one from a bicycle wheel being thrown away that worked well for me. I think the tire’s a standard size that’s easy to come by.

As far as smaller wheels, definitely don’t knock 'em till you you’ve tried 'em. But they can take some practice to get going smooth. And especially the first few/many times, they can feel impossible.

And, I have an update!

We were able to obtain reasonable shipping rates through the US Postal Service, and I received the blue UW from @dreamisdestiny today. Also today, I shipped the gray UW with green pedals to @unitortoise .

I love it when a plan comes together.

Thank you to everyone involved for the patience in making this happen. I just realized today that the original Trading Post offer was posted in September of 2023.


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