2007 to 2008 KH prices

You said in your post before that you were thinking the same thing as a guy who said now is a good time to buy from the US. But then you said you always buy from overseas? And you said you do it all the time, not just when the US dollar is high (which it hasn’t been for 6 months now).

I still buy from overseas because companies still havent updated their prices to go with current exchange rates. Doesnt matter if USD isnt as high as it used to be, deals are still out there, and I still find them.

Anwyays, we werent talking about us buying unicycles from overseas. Light suggested that other people can buy a uni from overseas and have a good chance to save money. I agreed, supported his thought about it, and then had a sentence saying that I do the same thing when currancy rates work out to be profitable to me.

So, whats your point again?

My point is you’re wrong.

Haha, I must be wrong when I have extra cash in my pocket.

Lets use an example. Lets say your from aus, and we’ll use usd currency. Aus and usd currency are almost equal. A kh in aus is $800 something usd. In the stats the same uni is only $400 usd. You, from aus, call over, and purchase the Kh from the states, and factor in the shipping, duty fees or whatever, let say that adds 200 usd to the current 400usd price. So now you pay 600usd and wait a little longer but you get your unicycle. And because it didnt cost 800usd, you still have 200usd in your pocket.

Its a simple concept, and when you get what you want, with extra cash in your bank or whatever, how is that incorrect? Unless somehow, saving money, is lossing money, and cheaper prices actually mean higher prices. Crap! I dont think ill ever buy bubblegum again.

I don’t quite see your logic when your example was importing to Australia from America. But you live in America, it’s the reverse for you. It’s bad to import. So why would you want to buy from anywhere but America? I understand that it’s good to buy on a high dollar, and when the NZ dollar was high I bought stuff from overseas and saved myself a few hundred dollars.

Just cause the exchange rates put the usd down, doesnt mean the deal cant happen for me. It was only a few weeks ago that a tire was over $100 in the states, but over seas it was only $30 in their currany. $40 something in usd, and $15 shipping to get overseas.

I cant think of anything new to buy, besides a new monitor and some case fans I already bought, so I ahvent been looking around for oversea deals like that. Haha, Maybe I can somehow get a ti hub for cheap. Oh, that stupid part was just to get a reaction. A catalyst pretty much.

Fuel surcharges vary wildy: some transporters have been charging US$2.00 per kilo recently, compared to one third that a couple of years ago.

Also with the wild fluctations in exchange rates it’s sheer luck. If you buy at the wrong time, between the wrong currency goods can cost much more: maybe UDC UK were lucky last time and unlucky this time. This would explain the small difference in the USA prices, slightly bigger for Germany and worst for the UK.

I agree that it’s a very steep increase though.

The UK and German prices for the new KH08 are actually pretty similar. Even the US price looks pretty similar once you throw VAT on top.

A big difference between the 08 and 07 price could indicate that the 07 model was being sold for a little less than it should have been, rather than the 08 model being more expensive than it should be.

I know that our order costs are very sensitive to exchange rate fluctuations. The shipments to the various Unicycle.com branches usually arrive with several weeks of each other but even a few weeks difference can mean a 10% difference in the final bill, given the volatile exchange rates at present.


Keep in mind that people that live in most countries outside of the United states have to pay VAT of usually between 15 to 20%. In addition there are usually other stupit import processing fees. This VAT is also charged on the shipping so it usually raises the price by about 30%!


Making stuff up

If you want to learn at best half truths, I can make something up that will explain the large price difference for a KH in the USA vs over there.

Maybe lot’s of KH’s come in a container on a slow boat from China- Taiwan to the west coast of Canada. From there, they plug into the QBP network in the USA, so they can be bought with very low overhead in the USA, if you find the right retailer.

Again, totally making stuff up, I will guess that there is a less straight connection to Europe, so that KH stuff moves through more hands, taxers, customs etc. I mean seriously, in backwards bucks down USA you can have a KH 20 07 at your door for 170 pounds or whatever your money is.

Hard to figure why, and it might not last for long here.

The europe theorie cant be true because in germany the prices increased only on a few €. If it is realy that much more in UK just buy your KH 08 in germany.

2008 KH 29" 519 Euros or £409 from municycle.com

Only £11 cheaper at the current exchange rate.

You also have to consider the market base

UK 55 million potential customers.
USA 250 million potential customers.

= Better chance of selling more items in the USA

There is only £11 or $20 difference between a Nimbus 29" in the UK compared to the US.

That isn’t that much of a difference.

I’ve seen on (Gadge has one) and it has a strange plastic tape strip which obviously stops gritty water etc. getting into the tyre and abrading the tube. However, with the double walled rim, I wonder what you do about all the contaminants that get between the two walls.