20 years and counting

I just wanted to take this opportunity to ask opinions of avid unicyclist… What
exactly would be an appropriate gift for 20 years of unicycling. I am engaged to
John Foss and he was talking about his “anniversary” on 10/31/99. He said he
really began riding 10/31/79 this would be his 20 years of riding. I figured it
would be appropriate to give him an anniversary gift for this accomplishment
since once he got on he did not get off his uni much over the last 20 years.
Some of my thoughts were:

  1. Sterling silver crank arm
  2. Gold plated seat post
  3. Or I could take his first uni and bronze it like a pair of baby shoes. (mind
    you this is a POS [piece of schwinn) as John would say but it could be cute.
  4. A gift certificate to add to his meager selection of useful unicycles (nah)

This of course is all in jest. I did want to let John know how proud I am of him
and that he has taken a teenage passion and held strongly to that fervor for
many years. He would hate me making a big deal of this or saying anything, but I
have never been one to do as I was told… Love ya baby and her is to 50 more
years of riding… Jacquie