1978 Cross-Canada unicyclist FOUND

Hi folks! Well, if this isn’t random. Today I bought two unicycles off a fellow on Marketplace. We swapped a couple of messages and he ended up gifting them to me (but that’s another story).

Part of Bob’s story is that he unicycled across Canada in 1978. I did a search to find any articles and found this site. What came up here was a post from 2012. Someone from New York (I forget his username) had encountered Bob while they were cycling in the opposite direction. He was hoping to get in touch after all those years.

So - hey - if New York (“Kaulk” or something like that) is still here, get hold of me!! haha!! This could be amazing!! Bob now lives in Penticton, B.C.

Tom Rankin
Kamloops, B.C.