ok so my mom picked me up today and handed me a ltter from my aunt so i opened it… 150 BUCKS!!! after about a minute of “Holy crap, 150 bucks!” the next thing that popped into my head is “new cranks!” so are these good?http://www.unicycle.com/images/catalog/hardware/axlehubs/tn_HUQU125.jpgif theres a nother pair i should buy what is it? they need 48 spoke holes, splined and 125-127mms prefferably.and how hard is it to build a wheel? should i try or should i just bring it to the lbs? if i should do it were can i learn?
if youve never done it before i would suggest taking it to your lbs…it’ll probly cost around 50 bucks…tahts waht mine cost for spokes and wheel assembly.
its a hub and crankset for one and the bearings come with it…dont be too hasty in buying…save your money and get the whole deal all at once. what hub and cranks do you have right now?
i need new bearings cuz the uni i have takes a different O.D. than what these come with, and i know its a hub and crankset but i figured it was obvious that i knew that when i posted a picture of a hub and crankset
Wheelbuilding isn’t all that hard (just time consuming). I did it on my second try. Search through the forums and there are plenty of threads on the topic. My suggestion would be to spend all your money on the cranks and new spokes (and a spoke wrench), and then build the wheel yourself.
Think they need splined as soon as they are able to hop
Argue about which splined setup to get when 99% of all riders couldn’t break/bend/manipulate any of them.
Save your cash, and if you haven’t broken your cotterless yet, then don’t replace them. Moms and Dads are also more likely to chip in when you say “Hey Mom, I need to replace my broken unicycle cranks and hub, and I was hoping you could help me out” instead of “Hey mom, I want some new cranks and hub for my unicycle because these are cooler than my old ones.”
Wheel bulding isn’t hard. Follow sheldon brown’s step by step thingy. You can lace the wheel then take it to a LBS to get it trued because that is harder.
tyler you annoy me,
1)ive warped my cotterless cranks beyond belief
2)i know how strong splined ones are
3)ive been hopping and dropping up to 4 feet on them for like 5-6 months
4)theres more things that could go wrong with a splined setup than just bending/breaking them
and no my parents would never help me buy anything that big unless it was christmas and then they would still have a hard time doing it
ok i bought the crankset from udc and some spokes, the thing im worried about is when i ordered the spokes i wasnt supposed to put the amount i wanted in the quantity box was i, i just put it in the comments box right?
I’m sorry to hear that. I was just pointing some things out and had no intention at all of annoying anybody. Again, I appologize.
I didn’t know that because your first post was rather vague. Plus, I wasn’t just talking about you, rather the whole community for the most part.
Please explain.
See answer to #1.
True, but you must remember that all splined setups I can think of are built to a quality standard that would be hard to beat. Again, I wouldn’t complain if I got any of them.
Yes, you were supposed to put the amount in the quantity box. Knowing UDC, they will probably figure it out, but they will need your permission (probably by e-mail) to charge you for all of the 36 spokes.