im practicing. can anyone else do them.?
depends. There is a cheat technique to doing one arm chin ups. If you hold the wrist of the arm doing the chin, its almost the same as using two hands, cept it does tend to hurt your wrist, gripping it so hard.
As for one handed with other behind back or free, I’ve never seen that before and personally wouldn’t want to try, it sounds sore.
I’m gonna try one, I think, but I’ll probably fail miserably.
Oh well. What I will learn, though, is a one-handed handstand. That rocks major bebop!
Nah, man. I’m stuck on no-arm pullups. That’s right, I can fly.
I can hardly do two arm pull-ups…my upper body strength is basically nonexistent. I gotta work on that…
But you can only fly in an up and down bobbing motion, a couple feet in the air.
But damn can he do it well.
Once thought it would help my rock climbing - it didn’t, but it was a cool trick though I can’t do it now. But a good way to train is the aforementioned wrist grab but over a period of time start grabbing lower and lower till you have an open hand on the pulling arm’s elbow. When you are ready to attempt, don’t let your free hand just hang loose - grab a leg and pull hard with both arms and this will help keep your core tight.
1 arm comedowns and 1 finger assisted is what im one arm and one finger.(ring)
I think Keven (mawesome) might be able to.
But that’s only because he’s a tank and can do Rocky style one armed push ups.
I will ask him when I next talk to him
I personally can’t.
I did five 1-armers on my clothesline.
That was with holding the middle of my arm.
i can do em and proper ones not holding onto the wrist or anything. Its hell hard thou.
Not only can I not do two armed chin-ups, but now that my middle aged spread is kicking in, I find that I can no longer find my chin.
Aren’t no armed chin-ups just jumping up and down on the spot?
Here’s a site that’ll help you learn such a skill, as well as many more (including the Clapping Handstand Pushup)
i can do 20 (jsut tried) but i only weigh like 100 pounds
You can do 20 1-armed pullups? Not grabbing the wrist? I believe the world record is 17, so that’s pretty good.
I’m really enjoying this site, beastskills. I can only do one of them (L-seat), but, hey, they’re cool to check out.
I wanna see that …
jack arnow can do 19, either arm.
edit: either way he (she?) is lying. from all the other threads skianduniaddict starts, i’d say that he(she?) is a troll sock-puppet hybrid.
What, an L-seat? It’s not hard, and certainly not compared to any of the other things on that site.