The New, long awaited CH unicycles prototype!!

After hours of thought and research CH unicycles have manufactured a prototype that is sure to set new standards in the unicycle world.

This unicycle wieghs in at under half the weight of the kh 20. The unicycle is made from a top secret material that Nasa uses in their buildings. Using a unique wheel size this uni handles very well. The tire comes with a guarantee that it will not flat, or your money back. The rim on this top of the line uni will never require truing. The seat is a dual density foam with a seat base that is just as stiff and light as a cf base but it comes at a lower cost to make, therefore bringing down the overall cost of the uni down. The replaceable seat cover reduces chafing, making your rides that more fun.

-over half the weight of the KH 20 :astonished:
-unique frame construction
-non flatting tire
-rim that never needs to be trued
-dual density foam saddle.
-tire that is guaranteed not to bottom out
-stronger than the Koxx African Black;)
-platform pedals



My african black hasen’t broke on me yet! :roll_eyes:
I’ve only had to replace the frame 47 times;)

haha, sweet :stuck_out_tongue:
But can you realy ride it?:stuck_out_tongue:


yes it’s totally rideable, forwards, back wards even up stairs. Uni spins are easy, except for the cranks.

so what kind of drops can that thing do?:smiley:

Is your company sponsoring riders soon?
Because I want to have such a goodlooking, light and strong uni.


One, high as you want.

Did you make that yourself?
What did you make the seat out of?


Ha Ha, I made a wood unt too! My frame was a thing of beauty! The seat was round, the wheel wood, frame wood, and seat wood with foam on top. I broke the cranks square taper kind and broke immediatly. It was a good uni though


That is the coolest thing ive evar seen

so…about how much does one of those spiffy things run for?

laul, h.

Is it possible to make a BC or coker version of this?? If not, then where can i get one of these little monsters. :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

CH unicycles are pleased to announce that we are now accepting sponsorship applications. Applicants must be highly skilled (level 14+) and be willing to ride this uni non stop for 3 days at a public demo.
Please send your applications to 76543 Real St. Antarctica.

This uni was made with top quality tools and fasteners such as cordless !18 volt! drill, hacksaw, hammer and the ultra strong trick looking black drywall screws!!! :astonished:

CH unicycles are pleased to announce that we are now accepting sponsorship applications. Applicants must be highly skilled (level 14+) and be willing to ride this uni non stop for 3 days at a public demo.
Please send your applications to 76543 Real St. Antarctica.

This uni was made with top quality tools and fasteners such as cordless !18 volt! drill, hacksaw, hammer and the ultra strong trick looking black drywall screws!!!

half a curb


i could take it off a curb and not hurt it at all, i bet i could take it off a 3 set and not break it.

if you could even GET it to the 3-set without breaking it, maybe.