Zeitgeist Movie

religion is, in my opinion, just a guide for morals backed up with lies.

we created god long before he created us.

Hahaha. God has almost nothing to do with religion.
S/he can be a symbol which is what she is for me, but religion is supposed to be a way to heal hurts and spread love.

But it gets mis-inturpreted (sp) so it’s used for the exact opposite.

Man u called Shaun Johanneson a douche bag! ha! but he is not he jus dont understand,
good film!


Are you Shaun’s pussy?
Please make you posts legible.

Hahaha, thats awesome. He has another account to back himself up with, enough said.

Haha. what?

Shaun 7.1 = AOL 7.1

Wow, you’re a dick. Y’know that?

Just sneeze…

Just turn your head and cough…

What, sneezing?

I use pepper.

Not if you smush it into a clump of asbestos.

I should hope so, we’ve got that much of it at my school.

You could also nail him to a wall. That’d keep him at bay.

Or at least in his garage.

Hahaha, I <3 this thread.

Where’s that cat picture?

Is that you Jerrick?

I mean you do have 27 accounts.

ahhhhhh I’m going insane thinkig it’s you…but then again whats your motive. Do you really hate me that much? Why did you ever post that? ahahahaha.

I don’t understand why people can’t see the comedy…:stuck_out_tongue:

I think it’s Justin with all the acounts…

Definatley Justin.