ZeitGeist Movie (caution)


I’m not sure how many of you have already looked into this; however, i’m posting it here for all eyes. I warn you, this internet film is not for republicans or core christians, so I care not what negitive comments you will most likely post about this film. It is two hours long and is in three parts. This film has the ability to make you change your whole prespective about things, but will not work for closed minded people, and to me, it only informed me further, since I already believed almost everything in it. Enjoy.

-Shaun Johanneson

Before I watch - it’s not another BS conspiracy theory film, is it? I don’t want to watch Loose Change with different lines.

I watched some of this a few weeks ago, and it struck me as a “the relgious right/nuts are ruining the world” kind of movie.

Shaun, seriously dude. I know we don’t agree on most anything, but at least have the decency to admit that just because someone believes something different than you (and doesn’t completely change after a 2 hour movie) does not make them closed-minded.

Freedom to believe whatever you want, and then to express it in the way you see fit is the basis of our country. Don’t trample on that in the name of enlightenment.

Matt and Alex, where about are you from in America?


Texas. Why?

Just wonderin’


This is a really powerful movie.

Any one who watches this and does not question the intentions of the American government or at the very least, the authenticity of public media output, is very ignorant.

I’m watching it right now.

It says it’s the year of the Pisces … I’m a Pisces… and I feel everyone around me has less common sense…

Wow this is so weird… lets go post it everywhere.

It says it’s the Age of Pisces…big difference.

I used to be more open minded, but my brain kept falling out.

The was funny ohcrazyone.

Monkeyman, that is using my freedom to believe what I so choose. Where in there do you get that i’m getting my kicks off other people. It’s simple truth that this video won’t matter to close minded people.

-Shaun Johanneson

He didn’t say that. He said the movie could change your perspective about things if you are open minded, which is perfectly true.

Yes, but by the way you said it, you implied that not agreeing with it meant you were closed-minded.

No, that’s not what he said. He said the video can change your perspective, unless you’re closed-minded. There aren’t just two options here.

Anyway, on to the video. I watched the first part of it, and I actually found all that really interesting. I never knew all that. When it turned into Loose Change:Remix Edition though, I turned it off. Before you call me closed-minded, I’ve seen Loose Change, and that one other movie you posted, and I don’t agree with them.

pretty good movie, reminded me of this.

I watched it, well most of it, I guess apparantly i’m closed minded because I still believe Jesus Christ is my Lord and savior, he died on the cross for me. I was going to write up a whole bunch, but I dont need to be in a Christian-vs-athiest fight.

Just got done with the 1st part. 2nd part is starting now. =p

EDIT: Everyone should watch this. I dont care what you believe and stuff, cause if you dont want to change your thoughts on it, thats fine, but still, just watch this movie. Its good.

I am going to go out on a whim and say I shouldn’t watch this… Two words DIAL F%CKIN’ UP… ok three…

Um I though he died on the cross for me… God damn lie-rs at the church! I knew something was fishy…


Uh oh…