i dont feel he does, but if he wants to end this crap nice and quick just fricken say it
I am a big moron and my Question is “who is Zack Baldwin”. I am not tryin to did you are anything but I just dont know who you are. So if someone could enlighten my retarded mind and maybe if has a video show me thanks?
P.s from what sounds like this guy is pretty good
he is very good, i mean damn especially his trials, i just wanto know whats wrong with him or me i dont know, thats what im tryin to solve
I beleive he is a friend of jess reigal(i know im way off on the spelling) and Part of team Primitive and he can side hope like ninety feet, hes wiked hardcore
never mind I know who he is now and he is the guy who did the meter high hop. Damn Cody he is probably a force not to be reckin with, just leave it alone maybe he will come around one day, but Hell what do I know.
Except an apology.
no no no you got it all wrong he owes him a light sabre fight
you mean samuri and num chuck fight…
what do ya know i have both of those, all though theve never been used
Finally, an adult point of view!
This reminds me of all of the girls in my school. It’s pretty pathetic. They start things over nothing. This is nothing. People say things, sometimes for no reason. Okay, this post is a waist.
hmm, I don’t know zach, but if he is saying all that stuff to caw89, he sounds like a little bit of an ass. try being nice, Mr. Zach Baldwin. It’s fun.
im gonna stop posting in this thread, zack sorry if there is anything i did before and tonight to offend you in some way sorry and someone please trash this thread.
Ill do it my self.
Like usual, I stand with potter.
Potter, I need your aim or MSN or whatever. That would be cool. you wanna pm me it?
Ugh… not one of these threads again.
I have talked with Zack on the phone seeral times for a few hours or so in total. He’s a really nice guy. Please kill all this lame flaming, EVERYONE.
Indeed he can. He signed my unicycle…which used to be his.
Not to piss in the “kiddie pool” here, but having a talent does not give one free license to be disrespectful. If you believe this then take a look at the “real world”…
Mike Tyson, a boxing legend in his own time, was locked up for rape. A couple years later, Tonya Harding was banned for life from the USFSA for taking part in an attack on another skater. As the years go on, more and more sports “celebrities” are ending up on trial, in jail, etc.
In the real world no one cares if you’ve got a talent, unless you’re #1 in your sport. They only take notice if you do something “bad”.
People on this forum notice good unicyclists. We also notice immature, disrespectful, hateful and negative postings. And in the (rare) case when one person embodies both traits, the unicycling usually goes unnoticed… at least in my book.
If one is truly to be “looked up to” then they should set a good example in all aspects of their life.
Good words. I hope Zack reads them.
Zack is on the road right now, hanging out with Ryan and Jeff in Toronto. He may not have good access to the forums until he gets home. It is his perogative to not answer here if he doesn’t want. But I’m sure going to ask him about it next tim I see him.
Zack is a good person, and an amazingly talented rider. But I believe he still has a good bit of growing up to do.
yes, Zack can be very nice at times and at other times he can be totaly mean and natsy.
I didn’t said it had anything to do with his skills. I merely said that Zack can do as he pleases, as we all can. Only that he doesn’t let politeness get in his way.