z0mg t3h h4x0rs!!1!111!!one!1

So I just got an email from unicyclist.com that said:

Bonjour James_Potter,
Votre compte sur Unicyclist Community est temporairement bloqué car une personne a tenté à 5 reprises de s’identifier sous votre nom avec un mauvais mot de passe. Vous pourrez à nouveau tenter de vous connecter passé un délai de 15 minutes.

Because I have my account set to French for some reason. It means:

Hello James_Potter,
Your account on Unicyclist Community is temporarily blocked because someone tried five times to login under your name with a bad password. You will be able to login again after a delay of 15 minutes.

Hahahahah, someone tried to hack my account by guessing…pwn3d, n00bs!!

shifty eyes

I wish you could set your account language to Russian.

Right now, everyone who reads this needs to try to log onto James_Potter. If we get enough people doing it we might actually get into it evil grin

That happened to me once as well. It was rather annoying as i was in the middle of a conversation in MR.


Ad even if we fail, we’ll manage to keep him blocked for a long time.

Now there’s an idea that’ll keep GWB from starting any more threads.

I’ll write the script if someone offers to run it… :sunglasses:

wow, ive never agreed with you before…+1

Wow, we should really do this. I wonder if I’ll be banned for it though…

Nah, Gilby pretty much doesn’t ban people, unless you’re eleven years old and invite old hairy men to watch you sleep.

Or post this link everywhere with things like this:
“Are these pedals good?”

Yeah … this site dosen’t have many of those …

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: anybody know where my zombie link is? im not sure how many i ever got

my password used to be “jamespotter”

haha sigged

oops, i just tried to log in to my account with different passwords and used up my log on quota :frowning: had to wait 15 min…