I realized that I haven’t written a full review of my Yuni 29" that I purchased over last summer. I am very satisfied with the Yuni. It originally came with a KH seat and 150 mm cranks (i chose the 150s first). This was fine, but I soon upgraded and my new setup is:
Yuni 29er frame
nanorapter tire (came with the uni)
primo rod seat post
KH rail adapter for miyata style seats
miyata base, with GB4 seat stiffner
dogbone air pillow (folds to have two layers of air)
leather cover
gb4 handlebars
125mm cranks
same stock pedals that came with it
I mainly use the unicycle for long distance (10-30 mile) rides and riding around campus. It is light and great for climbing hills. I take it off road sometimes and the nanorapter tire is great for trails. The frame is also great for one footed riding, I find my foot rests easily on the frame. I do not know how hardcore I use the unicycle, but I jump up stairs with it, ride off curbs, and do light Muni with it. I would definitely recommend this unicycle for anyone who is thinking about getting a 29er. If you are thinking about getting this unicycle or have any questions about this unicycle feel free to PM me or just simply ask here.