Youtube messed up!

WTF! They changed the “look” again of youtube and now there is NO PUBLIC LINK!!! So when I click on any of my videos, instead of a new window opening with the public url address as usual, where it would just start playing automatically, it now takes me to my edit page. There is no sign anywhere of a public link, so I have no way to post a link to my new video! Anybody know what’s up with this?

I saw the new vid!!! then i tried to go back and i couldn’t… sorry i cant help.

I don’t see any difference. but If I type in “terry pe”, it automatically suggests you!

I went to my history and pulled up the url I got when I saw it: YouTube
It doesnn’t work though…
EDIT: nvm, you got it working.

Nope, that’s not the right url. I deleted my vid post. I can’t find the PUBLIC url! Only my own private account url to it. WTF! YOUTUBE PEOPLE!!! If it’s not broke don’t fix it! :angry:

Link removed :smiley: It’s all right…

EDIT: and what I put before was only the beggining of the url…

YEah that’s the url I got but it’s waaaay longer than usual, and it says “my videos” cuz it’s from my edit page. (Maybe you can delete the link quick before edit time is up, then I can post it in the vid section)

Hahahaha thats one of the funniest! great vid.

WHHHOOOO terry didn’t stop making videos and they’re still getting better!

Ok thanks. Hope you enjoy it comments are appreciated!:smiley:

linky no worky?

i know it’s a bit of a bodge but can’t you logout, find your video using search and post that link?

Worked for me.