My new video I have released will not play back when I play in High Quality on YouTube. It sais " We’re Sorry, this video is unavailable". Standard quality works fine but the quality is crap! Why is this happening?
I uploaded a 70MB WMV File if that helps at all…
I went to it, selected high-quality and it worked fine for me.
I didnt watch it from your profile page.
What is this? This is madness! MADNESS? This. is… SPARTA!!!11
Do you know why? Maybe I could ask do you know what the “google accelerator engine” is? And how to shut it down or disable?
I have no clue. Have you tried watching it from a regular youtube link and not from your page?
The quality wasnt bad.
Havent heard of the engine before. Ill have to look that up.
Don’t worry its all good now XD
I suggest suing YouTube. They’re obviously discriminating against young unicycling addicts from South Australia.
Its you flash player working properly? This has been a headace for a few people.